Example sentences of "are very [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 We are very pleased to be able to point to increased co-operation and liaison with other Service charities .
2 Trust chairman Sir Philip Harris said : ‘ We are very pleased to be the first hospital to work with McDonald 's . ’
3 Er With reference to I write to confirm we are very pleased to be able to contribute towards your forthcoming carol concert .
4 Education liaison officer Lindsey Walton said : ‘ We were approached and asked to participate in this prestigious scheme and are very pleased to be associated with the schools . ’
5 Mr Kelly said : ‘ We are very pleased to be associated with Initec .
6 Managing Director of P&O , Sir Bruce MacPhail said : ‘ We are very pleased to be joining Stadium Group in realising one of the most outstanding urban regeneration projects in Europe . ’
7 She said : ‘ Everybody else says they are very pleased to be here in fact I am very relieved to be here because another TV station was at my home in Dumfriesshire this morning to try to speak to me and I am thankfully in London so I missed them . ’
8 We are very proud to be the home of the Royal Navy even though we have suffered tremendously from the defence cuts .
9 ‘ You are very young to be sent alone .
10 If you feel the need to , just call them ’ ( Elliott , 1982 , p.8 ) ; ‘ Adolescents need to be treated with respect and are very sensitive to being patronized .
11 As a club we are very chuffed to be where we are and be able to have an input at such a high level of the game , but we believe their are grounds for an adjustment . ’
12 The cost of photocopying can mount up if you have to go to a local shop and pay several pence a sheet , whereas there are very likely to be local supporters who have photocopiers and are willing to run off a hundred copies at no charge .
13 Weak bones are very likely to be broken as hens are pulled out of their cages , and the entire process appears to frighten and exhaust the birds .
14 The attitudes of women to work in the home are very likely to be related to other attitudes they hold — such as those to paid employment , to marriage , to child-socialization , to leisure activities and so on .
15 In particular , some topics are picked out which are very likely to be difficult for the top third of the " lowest 40 per cent " .
16 Social class and rural-urban contrasts , and different relations with British colonial states and education systems , are very likely to be involved as causal influences here , and Swann could well have commissioned research to explore some of the underlying issues .
17 But those barristers retained to represent the Government — called Treasury Counsel — are very likely to be offered High Court judgeships in due course .
18 However , neither the fact that lone mothers have a very high risk of poverty nor the fact that they are very likely to be dependent on state income support are particularly new .
19 The clinical use is different : here one uses syndromes to help one be aware that , for example , if you notice symptom x in a patient , you ought to test for the presence of symptoms y and z , since they are very likely to be present .
20 At the moment , we 've got , Devon County Council 's Recycling Working Party who are very likely to be paying our site 's rental charges , for at least the first year to get us off the ground .
21 You are very unlikely to be suffering from it , as it is almost entirely confined to males .
22 There is provision for Member States to pay at a level above the stated maximum in order ‘ to improve or maintain the natural landscape ’ but such increased payments will not be eligible for EEC refund so are very unlikely to be implemented .
23 Such parties , as always , like to equate themselves with the sense of collective separateness , hostility to ‘ them ’ and the ‘ imagined community ’ which may be almost universally felt in their ‘ nation ’ , but they are very unlikely to be the only expression of such a national consensus .
24 But you are very unlikely to be able to show a link which is directly attributable to your activities and you will be encouraging the view that media relations is simply a cheap form of advertising .
25 So you are very unlikely to be able to tell your story ( and , once again , telling a story is what you are doing fundamentally ) without abandoning more than once the angel-on-the-shoulder viewpoint of whatever chief characters you have chosen .
26 Fire Brigade Station Commander Bruce Hoad said : ‘ The children are very lucky to be alive .
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