Example sentences of "are hold to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A substantial but prudent investment of finances is therefore essential to provide a safe service in which the clinical needs of patients are held to be primary .
2 Other types of fraud and mistake are held to be insufficient for the offence of rape , and bring the case within the lesser offence of procuring a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse ( section 3 , Sexual Offences Act 1956 , carrying a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment ) .
3 Systems of animal ‘ communication ’ are held to be mere signalling systems , systems for which there is some doubt as to the meaningfulness of the messages contained therein as opposed to their characteristic causal efficacy in evoking or triggering certain responses .
4 Since statements like ‘ God is Love ’ fall into neither category they are held to be meaningless .
5 The virtual absence of L1 producing cells beneath the follicle associated epithelium in Peyer 's patches may induce the immunostimulatory function of these macrophage rich structures , which are held to be crucial for induction of specific mucosal immunity .
6 Fluctuations about these mean positions are held to be Gaussian and not dependent upon the strain .
7 Their aim is to give aid to groups of people who are held to be disadvantaged for any reason — because of ethnic origin , sex , sexual preference , age , unemployment or any kind of disability .
8 The growing demands to satisfy the appetite a greedy organization — the wider , more highly regulated sampling programme to be followed , the increasing numbers of reports and data analyses to be produced — are held to be unwarranted interference from headquarters , irrelevant impediments to the practical business of pollution control work .
9 Aware that absolute holists can not live up to their own tenets , they offer a different distinction between the two approaches so that , rather than being seen as strict alternatives , they are held to be complementary .
10 The perpetrators are held to be responsible for their actions and there is an emphasis on retribution , not only against the murderer or murderers , but also against the social workers who , it is claimed , failed the child .
11 Some of them are held to be responsible for relaxation phenomena at low temperatures while folds are of great importance in the crystallization of polymers .
12 Now how a man who works on can think there 's anything funny about species I just ca n't understand erm but there it is. erm well , suppose , however , that in my view wrongly one did suppose that there was something erm in this sort of idea of the decoupling between the processes which we observed in single populations and erm the sort of mechanisms leading to large scale evolution , what kinds of processes are held to be important when it comes to large scale evolution events ?
13 This hypothesis is supported by the fact that most plant families that produce bird-dispersed seeds are of very wide distribution and that several of them are held to be primitive , e.g. Annonaceae , Lauraceae , while several genera conspicuous in this trait are found in both tropical America and Australasia .
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