Example sentences of "are [adv] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 And there are rather a lot of photographs of one particular consultant obstetrician gynaecologist , Yehudi Gordon .
2 Oh , we 're talking about sixth forms , Bill , and we 're talking about all schools which have sixth forms and you 're conscious that there are rather a lot of schools with sixth forms in the county and who will feel that it is a significant change .
3 Wars between nations , he suggests , are wholly a product of people 's territorial natures .
4 Individual differences are obviously a consequence of the particular past experience of each person who has thereby acquired a unique set of skills based on a natural endowment which was also unique .
5 Yes , I mean , I feel very strongly in terms of women 's rights , but I think there are obviously a lot of differences between women and you ca n't generalize women , the same as you ca n't generalize individual personalities traits on for men .
6 OK , he said all clothes are basically a way of attracting the opposite sex .
7 All three types of pattern , ( written , diagrammatical and digital or Form ) , are based on a tension , or gauge , swatch ; without this , the pattern would not exist at all in any form , because all knitting patterns are basically a notation of how to knit a shape with a given yarn and stitch type , mathematically calculated from the original swatch .
8 Apples are basically a mixture of water , sugar , dietary fibre and little else .
9 Patterns for these are readily available and are basically a petal of one double crochet , one half treble , and a few trebles , one half treble and one double crochet all into a chain loop behind the previous row of petals .
10 It also follows from Parsons 's argument that there is a general belief that stratification systems are just , right and proper , since they are basically an expression of shared values .
11 The witches are apparently a representation of the triple goddess : one looks old like the crone , another is the mother and the third is supposedly the Virgin because she carries her rag doll around with her .
12 Such combinations are perhaps a sub-type of the ‘ academic ’ degree course .
13 In all this , there are perhaps a couple of things which look plausible when we compare the philosopher 's child with our mental picture ; Aristotle 's observation that children are immature and Mill 's suggestion that they might need protection .
14 In addition to the physical attributes to look for there are naturally a host of technical features to check .
15 It is well known that the Albanians , who predominate in Kosovo and in parts of western Macedonia , tend to have very large families , Such rapid rates of growth of population in areas of poverty and high unemployment are naturally a matter of great concern to the authorities .
16 The well-worn cliché that the police are only a reflection of the society they serve , can be seen in a different light .
17 It has also shown that they are only a part of the explanation of Africa 's problems ; a difficult agricultural base , the inequalities of the world trading system , the sometimes exploitative role of multinational companies have also had a major part to play .
18 The words we use are only a part of how we communicate .
19 Herein you will see a series or medley of events , pictures and scenes ( not what the butler saw which was rather mundane ) which are only a part of my memory store .
20 But Cousins stresses they are only a part of community care .
21 yet these intricate and highly sophisticated masterworks are only a part of a rug-making tradition that encompasses the entire spectrum of the weaver 's art .
22 Second , we should not forget that political parties are only a part of the political system and they are not in sole control of Britain 's economic destiny .
23 The straw hats they 're seen in here are only a fraction of the collection they 've amassed at home .
24 Belemnites vary from small fossils a centimetre or two long to large specimens tens of centimetres long : of course these are only a fraction of the size of the living animal , with their tentacles extending well beyond the guard .
25 The narrow bars are only a fraction of a millimetre wide .
26 Emissions from ICI factories , although not fully quantified , are only a fraction of a percentage of the UK total .
27 No there are the side effects are only a quarter of people have those
28 In discussing a different though related issue , Lacan observes that ‘ the latest developments in modern thought on language ’ are only a rediscovery of what was already known to Augustine , who ‘ orients his entire dialectic around these three poles , error , mistake , ambiguity of speech ’ .
29 Indeed , given the fact that there are only a couple of dozen companies quoted on the exchange , the opportunity for follow-on business for DEC is looking limited in the short term , despite its apparent enthusiasm to off-load a VAX 6000 .
30 I mean Christmas ones are only a couple of foot apart , there 's only about that much between them , you know ?
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