Example sentences of "are [adv] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The structure of the privatisation is such that institutions are effectively being left with no say in how they spend the funds they are supposed to manage on behalf of their clients .
2 These are mostly being written with the aid of Egeria , a graphical user interface editor which cuts what would be a 200,000 line Motif application program down to 10,000 lines .
3 MIPS ' operations meanwhile , are slowly being dismantled by SGI : US reports suggest that 450 of the 685 jobs at MIPS are to go , although there are plans to redeploy at least 250 of those lost at other SGI sites .
4 The irony is that this is at a time when such diseases are slowly being reduced in Britain . ’
5 Huge mounds of raw flintstones , imported from Kent and Norfolk , are constantly being fed into the giant automatic milling unit for calcination and grinding .
6 What we are constantly being fed with is that unemployment figures have been falling , that a successful economic miracle has taken place , that unemployment is a thing of the past .
7 Although these four authors address themselves to rather different problems , and do not appear to agree on a number of issues , their combined views on the importance of soil erosion are more or less consistent , and quite clear — its importance is exaggerated , agricultural technology initiated by both officials and farmers can respond satisfactorily , and the resources at disposal are massive and are constantly being created by technology itself .
8 The plates are not permanent : they are constantly being replenished by liquid rock gushing up from the Earth 's mantle ( the subsurface layer ) at the long submarine mountain ranges known as the mid-ocean ridges .
9 Faxes are constantly being sent to dealers , accountants and solicitors across the country offering investment prospects in anything from :
10 Status signals are constantly being exchanged between us through what we see and hear .
11 New features are constantly being asked for and added ; fractional leading , better hyphenation routines , faster transmission from remote sites , etc .
12 As the project will last for so many years , temporary improvements are constantly being made to the estate .
13 In terms of manpower all three types of decision are constantly being made at all levels of the nursing organisation .
14 New discoveries are constantly being made through a return to original sources .
15 However , both are constantly being disturbed by blackbirds .
16 It would be unwise to come to any firm conclusion , remembering that the majority of those we know about are amongst the sandhills which are constantly being eroded by the winds which expose them , that the eastern part of the island down to Kildalton is largely deer forest which is rarely visited except by stalkers , that there are probably many more cists to be discovered .
17 Certain cases dominate the coverage in the national press , and by using these cases it is possible to indicate how the images of sex beast are constantly being preferred to readers .
18 Companies are constantly being valued by investors and analysts .
19 Naturally experience enables one to give a reasonable estimate — but we are constantly being taken by surprise , both by those who manage to overcome their problems amazingly quickly and by others who take longer than was initially estimated .
20 Their various facets are constantly being adapted in the light of changing circumstances and requirements .
21 As in much self-conscious fiction , we are constantly being reminded of the fictionality of the novel , but Verbivore makes it clear that this fictionality also applies to the ‘ simulations ’ of the media which its ‘ fictions ’ purportedly replace .
22 It must be stated , however , that the rebuilding of reserves in a period of financial stringency , when the unit of resource is reducing and greater efficiencies are constantly being required of universities , is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve .
23 We are apparently being drawn to the end of time , to an apocalypse ( which will happen on 21/12/2012 ) at which point some of us will achieve a mystical transformation to a more enlightened realm of being .
24 However , if records are only being referred to , the position is different .
25 And the day after Central broadcast a documentary on the Marsh Arabs in Southern Iraq … revealing how communities are being destroyed … the Prince condemned Saddam Hussein for claiming the marshes are only being drained for agricultural purposes .
26 Investment advertisements that relate to a particular investment or investment services must , unless they are only being issued to non-private customers , contain specific contents .
27 Energy conservation and environmental pressures are rightly being placed on oil and gas producers in the North sea .
28 Rather , in most ordinary kinds of talk these principles are oriented to , such that when talk does not proceed according to their specifications , hearers assume that , contrary to appearances , the principles are nevertheless being adhered to at some deeper level .
29 ‘ It is intended to enable parents to dovetail their career and family commitments and thereby to ease recruitment problems which are already being felt in all areas of commerce as a result of the steadily falling number of school leavers and graduates . ’
30 Bugs at Wilton 's terephthalic acid plant are already being treated to Purisource , which is suitable for a range of effluents from many industries , including food , paper , pharmaceutical and chemicals .
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