Example sentences of "are [adv] [adv] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Newspaper announcement , June 1794 : ‘ The public are most respectfully informed that Mr Edmund Bond ( late a Pupil of the Veterinary College ) has undergone an Examination before the Medical Committee , and the following is a Copy of their Report : These are to certify that Mr Edmund Bond has attended the Veterinary College as a Resident Pupil for Eighteen Months , and having been examined by us , we consider him as qualified to practise the Veterinary Art .
2 Sometimes the lobes , as the divisions are called , are so intricately re-divided that they are commonly compared to fine lace .
3 Some of Bach 's melodies , however , are so freely formed that it is impossible to decide whether , like the above Sarabande , they could have had a simple outline as their origin , or whether Bach followed a free vein of inspiration , ignoring a well-defined construction .
4 Artificial restrictions on ordering levels , such as pre-set expenditure limits on each order , are so easily circumvented that they are not realistic controls .
5 Interpreting the music well takes hours of listening to discover its subtleties of phrasing , rhythm and mood ; then more time should be spent on experimentation until the music and movement are so closely connected that the movement does n't work without its music .
6 They are so closely related that a provisional view on one may well be displaced as the result of conclusions reached on another .
7 Implementation of the plan and evaluation are so closely intertwined that the four-section cycle is redrawn to highlight the regular to-and-fro between the first ( ‘ sustain commitment ’ ) and the second ( ‘ check progress ’ ) which leads to ‘ overcome problems ’ and then ‘ check successes ’ .
8 For , in reality , the research and teaching activities are so closely interwoven that they are inseparable .
9 Large molecules , dimers and clusters have large moments of inertia , and consequently their rotational energy levels are so closely spaced that high-resolution spectroscopy is defeated .
10 It is precisely because our bodies and fantasies are so closely linked that feeling you do n't conform to the current ‘ skinny ’ aesthetic can have such detrimental effects on the way you feel about your body and concomittantly , yourself .
11 Some are so widely separated that their motion relative to each other is too small to be measured at all , and all we can really say is that they are travelling through space together , at the same rate and in the same direction .
12 As you might expect from such headlong cross-breeding and hybridizing in the incessant search for something different and new , the various types are so widely stretched that the edges tend to run into each other and merge , and the dividing line becomes ever more difficult to discern .
13 The ‘ Lucy ’ poems have received a great deal of critical attention ( see , for example , F. R. Leavis in Revaluation ) ; it is because the ‘ Matthew ’ poems are so frequently ignored that I have chosen one of them for special comment .
14 Many railway lines were dubbed strategic , but strategy and economics are so inseparably intertwined that it is a meaningless exercise to attempt to separate them .
15 But our affairs are so surprisingly situated that none knows , yet , whether it will be war or peace .
16 For example , some of the most memorable features of fieldwork in the Old World Tropics from Madagascar eastwards , leeches , are so little known that their behaviour towards animals other than humans is unrecorded .
17 Myers believes that soil erosion is already a problem and that at least 90 000 km 2 of land are so badly affected that they can no longer sustain crop production .
18 The Guardian 's cartoonist showed one health official saying to another : ‘ These regional days of action are so badly organized that Len Murray has to ring up Norman Fowler to ask where they are being held . ’
19 HISTORICAL monuments are so badly signposted that many visitors are unaware of their existence , the Scottish Tourist Board 's chief executive , Tom Band , told a tourism conference yesterday , writes Alison Daniels .
20 A survey has found that some hospitals are so badly designed that doctors spend four hours of every working day just walking from one ward to another .
21 It should be possible to obtain a compromise which is effective in the legislation and which says , in effect , ’ There will be some crossings which are so rarely used that people are not inconvenienced by their closure . ’
22 The belief that different treatment methods are needed for and tried on different populations of sufferers does not stand up to critical examination : the stories of those in recovery from addictive disease through the Anonymous Fellowships are so immensely varied that it is quite clear that this population has not been selected in any way .
23 Mr Harding says his clocks are so well made that even those great timepiece makers the Swiss import them .
24 At times tonal zones can be identified ; at others they are elusive , but in their sum tonalities are so well hidden that we can regard this as truly ‘ atonal ’ ( in the sense of being tonally obscure ) : It would be laborious to analyse this note by note , but there are several principal features which can be noted :
25 Of the airframes , the bulk of the NAC are so well documented that they need not be spotlighted here .
26 The description of feelings and emotions are so well portrayed that the reader is able to feel with the character at every twist and turn of their lives .
27 Ground-nests are so well concealed that predators can easily overlook them even when they are only a few feet away .
28 Some of the features of alcoholism in its terminal phase are so well known that a cartoonist has only to draw a couple of lines for everyone to know that the subject is a " drunk " .
29 Within the central parsec , stars play a more direct role because they are so tightly packed that collisions between them , including tidal disruption , may be sufficiently common to inject significant quantities of gas into the interstellar medium .
30 Selectors should also avoid books which are so tightly bound that they have to be held forcibly open .
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