Example sentences of "are [v-ing] [conj] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 By implication , we are suggesting that there is a hierarchy of places , or similarly that a particular place has a certain status in the local community .
2 However when the horse is working , the muscle cells are contracting and there is a large increase in heat production within them .
3 It is very important to keep on happy and good terms with the family that are living and it is extremely sad when the death of a parent who loved all the children should be an unwitting source of family rifts .
4 The danger is that many businesses are waiting until there is a problem , or even a crisis , to be sorted out before they ask for advice from a solicitor — as said : ‘ Regrettably , lawyers are seen as a cure , not a preventative ’ — and it is the smaller , more vulnerable business that falls into it most .
5 Peer review works fairly well , the report points out , when science budgets are growing and there is room for most disciplines to develop at their own pace .
6 That you are wondering whether it is safe to come here with Tom ? ’
7 When nuns make vows of celibacy they are saying that something is true for them in particular but that it does not belong to them .
8 We are saying that there is a structural weakness in the United Kingdom and that we need a strategic authority , not for providing services , but for developing and co-ordinating —
9 It 's important that home owners are recognizing that there is an over- provision of residential care in the county , and that they are responding and diverting some of their resources , or discussing how they may well , er , divert some resources into home based er , packages of care .
10 The shorts are betting that theirs is an industry with a bright future .
11 Alright , and perhaps the reason why people are migrating when there is very high unemployment is because they do n't realize that there is such high unemployment .
12 When two cats are fighting and one is forced into submission , it often performs what is called ‘ cut-off ’ , where it turns away from its tormentor and shuts its eyes , trying to blot out the frightening image of its dominant rival .
13 This uncertainty comes at a time when the housing needs of all elderly people are increasing and there is a clear need for more good low-cost rented accommodation .
14 They are arguing that it is not fair to have the ‘ haves ’ and the ‘ have-nots ’ ; it 's not fair to have a north and south divide .
15 the identity of the client : defining the client relationship and the involvement of other parties ; we must clearly establish whom it is we are advising and who is to meet our fees .
16 Massive chunks of history are missing and it is really not possible to understand the Abstract Expressionists without reference to how they incorporated or reacted against those earlier tendencies .
17 I have had a wonderful 10 years , but the financial pressures are mounting and it is time I moved on . ’
18 The exception is important as it avoids having to repeat descriptions on the plant schedule and makes clear what we are covering and what is not covered .
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