Example sentences of "are [num] [prep] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So there are six of us here it 's none for you , none for you , none for you , none for you , none for you and none for me how many altogether ?
2 Okay now there are six of us how many twelfths will we get there are twelve of them .
3 ‘ Blimey , guv , ’ he said , ‘ there are 'undreds of 'em round 'ere . ’
4 And there are three of them along here so how many have we got altogether multiplied b well we 've got three add five .
5 say , there are five of them along there .
6 ‘ There are five of us now and we open five and a half days a week to deal with debt problems , ’ she said .
7 You are one of ours now .
8 But you are one of them now .
9 ‘ You are one of us now .
10 You are one of mine now .
11 Oh well there are four of them there so why not give them all and I 'll cut this pizza into
12 Make them think there are two of us out here ? ’
13 Well , it 's not dead , but like , when there are two of you on , you 're not exactly taxed .
14 He gave us licence to be silly , which is why there are thousands of us here today . ’
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