Example sentences of "are [vb pp] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 CFCs are broken down in the upper atmosphere by UVB , and release chlorine atoms .
2 How detritus and fish excreta are broken down in the filter
3 As fibre-rich waste products are broken down in the large bowel , a number of products are formed apart from the release of calories .
4 Then , suddenly , the arms are dropped down to the sides of the body again .
5 We push his legs but they buckle at the knees , so we have to hold them up above our heads as we push to make them stay straight , then as we shove and his trousers are rolled down by the rim of stone , his arms flop over the far side of the shaft rim and it suddenly gets easier to push him .
6 Each line of script represents one second of running time and the words are written down at the normal speaking rate of three per second .
7 All the normal operating procedures and the emergency operating procedures are written down in the flight manual of an aircraft , one copy of which is carried in the aircraft while another is always available ( to accident investigators , amongst others ) on the ground , and pilots are trained and required to operate their aircraft in conformity with these procedures .
8 Their eye-sockets have no bony floor , so when they blink , the eye-balls are drawn down into the skull and make a bulge in the roof of the mouth which squeezes the lump of food to the back of the throat .
9 Lasswell ( 1960 , p. 195 ) sums up this scepticism about the rule of law : ‘ The number of statutes which pass the legislature , or the number of decrees which are handed down by the executive , but which change nothing in the permanent politics of society , is a rough index of the role of magic in politics ’ .
10 And the more poor little Britain takes a battering , the more bombs that are called down on the wreck of London , the sooner it will be .
11 Bright children are dragged down to the lowest common denominator . ’
12 Most take the experience with typical British humour and carrying on searching until either the dream home is found or they are worn down by the practicalities of price and location .
13 Although women state that they are tied down by the responsibility of small children , they also experience satisfaction with several aspects of their role [ which role ? ] .
14 Victims first know that they are marked down as the tiger 's next meal when those enormously powerful front feet hit them .
15 Even when trap lines are laid down along the hunting paths of a relatively specialized predator like the barn owl , there may be considerable differences in species proportions represented in the two assemblages .
16 But it is changed too in that it is not so much the details of infant care that are laid down as the principles which should be followed in deciding the details .
17 The growth characteristics of the bones are laid down at the time when the pattern is specified and the elements are very small and this early specification will control growth for many years ( Chapter 10 ) .
18 To reduce the possibility of the lining materials , used for the construction of walls and ceilings , contributing to the initial fire spread within the building , performance standards are laid down for the reaction to fire of the materials used for the exposed surfaces .
19 Under English evidential law , specific provisions are laid down for the submission and use of computer records in court .
20 Your minimum notice rights are laid down by the Consolidation Act , which in this respect covers almost all UK-based executives , although some classes of employee , including some part-timers , are excluded .
21 The rules followed are laid down by the Race Walking Association and the International Athletics Federation .
22 In addition , other legal principles are laid down by the decisions of judges over time , or proclaimed in legislation .
23 In assessment of the suitability of a deposit for supplying specific coarse concrete aggregates or finer mortar sands , very precise requirements are laid down by the construction industry .
24 Right after the ground rules are laid down by the station when you go in they say , ‘ What is your title ? ’ and if I 'm interviewed on behalf of the branch P R O I say that , if I 'm an officer of Broadham District Council I say that , so the ground rules are there as to who you 're speaking for when the interview starts .
25 All the principal details of the scheme are laid down in the foregoing or in the drawings .
26 The procedure for lodging an appeal , and various other procedural matters , are laid down in the Schedule , but the manner of conducting the appeal hearing is left to the committee itself .
27 In order to achieve this , almost seven million egg cell precursors are laid down in the female fetus .
28 The cellulose chains which are laid down in the cell-wall are long and they have their length more or less parallel to the length of the cell or fibre , that is to say in the direction of the applied stress .
29 Eggs are laid down in the autumn and a good digestible protein-rich diet , such as earthworms , should be fed at this time in order to encourage early spawning .
30 Position fixes and height data against which to check the glide path and Altimeters , are laid down in the approach charts at specific distances on DME .
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