Example sentences of "are [vb pp] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Candles are placed by each name .
2 Other powers are given by such acts as the Firearms Act 1968 ( persons , vehicles in any public place can be searched for firearms ) ; Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 ( permits the police to stop and search for controlled drugs anywhere ) ; Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 and various Wildlife Conservation Acts .
3 In any case , there are earthier explanations , such as the changes in sea level favoured by Newell ( 1963 and 1967 ) , or changes in climate ( perhaps themselves brought about by changes in the earth 's magnetism ) which are favoured by many authors .
4 They are easy to find and children are fascinated by this unit .
5 I place it on record that Blackbird Leys , Barton and the other parts of Oxford that are plagued by this menace are good places , with a terrific community spirit .
6 The wastelands are inhabited by all kinds of monstrous creatures and it is here that the armies of Chaos gather their strength .
7 Although two thirds of the children born out of wedlock are registered by both parents , and illegitimacy is on the increase , we in Britain have not reached the position arrived at in Sweden where , since I January 1988 , partners who live together outside marriage are afforded the same legal rights as those who are married .
8 A rapidly rising proportion of births to single mothers are registered by both parents , usually from the same address but sometimes from different ones ( see chart ) .
9 Yes Moderator the Board 's erm published accounts are prefaced by some comments on the accounting conventions that are used .
10 These simple propositions are truisms , but their importance and the dangers of departing from them are highlighted by this appeal , which we allowed on 13 March 1992 .
11 Disturbances caused by predators , prey or other creatures are sensed by these organs .
12 Chemical weathering is of the greatest importance in producing fine material , as clay minerals are formed by this process .
13 Deep feelings are aroused by such activities in those who care , even though these are sometimes personally repressed or professionally suppressed .
14 Two simple clusters C1 and C2 are distinguished by some function ( or predicate ) f which takes a value v1 on all points x in C1 , and a different value v2 on all x in C2 .
15 Two ontological clusters C and C' are distinguished by some f which has values on all x in C but which is meaningless on all y in C' .
16 They are regarded by many employers ' associations ( although lacking official recognition ) as a means of encouraging greater stability in shopfloor relations .
17 Political parties are found in virtually all countries in the modern world and are regarded by most commentators as essential modern political organizations .
18 " Ladies and gentlemen , I need not tell you how we are ravaged by this disease in Krishnapur !
19 These experiences and these senses of self valuation are carried by each individual into school .
20 It is so unusual , most bands are surrounded by such security at gigs and anyone who wants to get near them is thrown out on their ear , ’ says their London based press officer , Mick Houghton .
21 Most of our major meetings are preceded by these sessions .
22 In North America , in the early decades of this century , exciting work on language was conducted by people , who were at once both anthropologists and linguists ( and are claimed by both disciplines ) , often involved in research into the languages and societies of the native Americans ( Indians ) .
23 Antineutrons are expected by some particle physicists , who believe on theoretical grounds that neutrons could change into antineutrons on their way from the Sun to the Earth .
24 Accordingly when a pare of men went underground formerly , they made it a rule , to sleep out a candle , before they set about their work ; that is if their place of work was dry , they would lay themselves down and sleep , as long as a whole candle would continue burning ; and then rise up and work for two or three hours pretty briskly ; after that have a touch pipe , that is rest themselves for half an hour to smoke a pipe of tobacco , and so play and sleep away half their working time : but mining being more expensive than it formerly was , those idle customs are superseded by more labour and industry .
25 We have not addressed whether the protein that recognises this DNA element will also recognise RNA nor have we addressed whether any mRNA molecules are encoded by this region of the PPT promoter .
26 As well as the extreme distress and loss of life this condition can cause , the hospital costs of dealing with the fractures are some £160 million a year , and a fifth of orthopaedic beds are occupied by such cases .
27 The first variation is the panel interview , where candidates are interviewed by several people .
28 They are deemed by many players as the less difficult half , that if a good score can be put together here , it can be enhanced on the back nine .
29 For some roles , younger people are deemed by some quarters as more suitable , just as in the theatre a certain role will require a certain age range to portray it .
30 The first three chapters of I Corinthians are dominated by this problem .
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