Example sentences of "are [vb pp] and [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How terrible it must be for her to attend this service for Mrs Wright whose baby had survived and while the Padre was speaking the Collector accompanied his words with a silent , sympathetic prayer for Mrs Bennett : " O God , whose ways are hidden and thy works most wonderful , who makest nothing in vain , and lovest all that thou hast made , Comfort this thy servant whose heart is sore smitten and oppressed … " but the rest of the prayer was no longer in his mind , stolen no doubt by the foxes of despair that continued to raid his beliefs … in any case , it faded into a mournful reverie in which he sought an explanation for the death of Mrs Bennett 's child .
2 Certainly , the means of expression are limited and their values rather general , so that there is not the same flexibility of tense as in an explicit finite clause ( but this is a common contrast found , not only in English but in many languages , between finite main verb phrases and other syntactic groups ( see Ferris and Jah , 1989 ) .
3 Reports on the clinical use of endobiliary biopsy forceps are limited and their place in the investigation of biliary strictures remains to be established .
4 Sections of the spreadsheet become ‘ objects ’ once they are highlighted and their properties easily changed to your preferences .
5 TCR -β genes are rearranged and their RNA has been detected before TCR- α gene rearrangement in the fetal thymus .
6 The ‘ flagella ’ are kept moist by mucus material from adjacent parts of the nose and if the mucous thickens , as when we have a cold or catarrh or due to changes in humidity or temperature , they are incapacitated and our sense of smell impaired .
7 Her identity is widely known in the village , but her wishes are respected and her name will not be revealed here She is the last of a long line of illustrious cheesemakers and her regular clients can only hope that she will pass on her expertise to the next generation .
8 Of course , being so intimately concerned with the notion of travel , a degree of mobility may bring more rapid promotion opportunities but unlike other organisations of a similar size , there is no pressure here to relocate — should you decline a move because you are not ready to be uprooted , you will find that your reasons are respected and your prospects unaffected .
9 You will work until your feet are stripped raw of flesh and until your legs are bowed and your skin is shrivelled .
10 Whereas in Out a single dominant ideology acts as a structuring device on a wide variety of discourses in the society portrayed , in Such two discourses are selected and their interaction is staged within the mind of the protagonist .
11 Lymphocytes that have been successfully transduced ( that is , they express the genes carried by the virus ) are selected and their population expanded for reintroduction into the patient .
12 The ways in which those resources are appraised and their potential realized become part of a culture , a collective system for the organization of survival which provides the rules within which societies seek to ensure their reproduction .
13 ‘ Her eyes are closed and her nose and mouth are badly bruised .
14 Instead , numeric variables are used and their value is interpreted in a " logical " manner .
15 Instead , numeric variables are used and their value is interpreted in a " logical " manner .
16 From the day we are born and our births are registered , we are not only individuals but members of a society which negotiates with us through institutions .
17 Luckily , however , the local village operator 's suspicions are raised and her policeman husband comes to the scene , where he arrests Forester just in time to prevent him killing Smithers as well .
18 However , against this must be balanced the fact that there will be a greater profit margin , by virtue of the fact that distributive intermediaries are obviated and their margins will not have to be met .
19 For that is how they are supposed to function , that is how they publicly claim that they attempt to function , and , as we shall see below , that is the normal way to justify their authority ( i.e. not by assuming that they always succeed in acting in the ideal way , but on the ground that they do so often enough to justify their power ) , and naturally authorities are judged and their performance evaluated by comparing them to the ideal .
20 The more obvious uses to which the coin was put , the contexts in which they are found and their distribution has led to a general belief that they were not used as currency in commercial transactions ; rather , they were valued as bullion .
21 Responses to extreme forms of the debt crisis are also conditioned by who holds the debt , how much they are hurt and their power to take avoiding action .
22 When teachers feel put upon and pushed around , hectored , lectured and badgered , their confidence and enthusiasm are undermined and their willingness and ability to contribute to the development of young people , as well as each other , suffers .
23 Her parents are divorced and her mother lives with them . ’
24 Simulation consists of a model-based exercise in which various changes are introduced and their effects recorded .
25 It is the schools , and their teachers , who have had to shoulder this burden , increasingly so in a climate where opportunities are diminished and our pupils rightly feel let down , frustrated and alienated from a society that appears insensitive to their plight .
26 Because this is being done , crime statistics are increased and their nature is changed .
27 Such Day Charges are due to be settled when they are incurred and their collection is pursued vigorously .
28 Also at this stage , candidates with the fewest first preference votes are eliminated and their ballot papers shared out to those candidates who appear as second preferences on those papers .
29 Unfortunately , the lifts are specified and their operation determined at the time of construction .
30 The document , which was developed from an exposure draft issued by the ASB in July 1991 , explains the authority , scope and application of accounting standards as well as setting out the procedures under which standards are issued and their relationship to international accounting standards .
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