Example sentences of "are [adv] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is at the sentencing stage where formal strategies are most often to be found .
2 However , they are less obviously to be seen in the academic community as a whole than in the discrete disciplinary sub-cultures , where they take different forms ( Becher 1989 ) .
3 The major purpose in outlining the roles within the Rowdies group has been to demonstrate that football fans of this type are not simply to be viewed as a disordered bunch of maniacs .
4 ‘ We are not here to be dumped on , Lucker .
5 If people have very little choice in matters of housing then the details of planning and the execution of policy become very important , and are not just to be left to the ‘ experts ’ .
6 Bonuses are not wholly to be deplored .
7 Johnson also enjoyed catching sight of ancient texts in Aberdeen — a Hebrew manuscript ‘ of exquisite penmanship ’ , and ‘ a Latin translation of Aristotle 's Politicks by Leonardus Aretinus , written in the Roman character with nicety and beauty , which , as the art of printing has made them no longer necessary , are not now to be found ’ .
8 ‘ We are not there to be moral arbiters . ’
9 ‘ The problem is that they are not there to be promoted . ’
10 But they are not all to be interpreted literally : in some the imagery is conventional , in others the self-abasement is ironic .
11 Now it would seem that they are not only to be denied an increase , but also to be faced with a reduction .
12 But they are not only to be seen on the street but within the mind 's eye itself : the mental set has changed in the post-1960 years of unprecedented exposure to visual imagery .
13 Canonical traits are not only to be found in words denoting living things .
14 They should be taught to recognise that the attitudes and behaviour of a character or narrator are not necessarily to be identified with the attitudes or beliefs of the author .
15 Deals are always there to be struck , especially with new advertisers , and a regular though small advertisement will gradually establish your name in the minds of people locally .
16 They are more often to be seen on Irish calendars than in real life ( except as ruins ) , but many survive as comfortable homes .
17 And to compound the difficulty of how best to interpret the statistics , the author of the test has conceded that physicians , instrument makers , naval experts , agricultural reformers , and general applied scientists are more often to be found among the parliamentarians in the sample .
18 When Jenson continues that the reason why the biblical God is called ‘ Father ’ is that the attempt is being made to get away from sexuality , with which women are more naturally to be associated , we may think that he has given the game away !
19 The main building block of the Caracalla thermae is now in ruins but the plan and layout are still clearly to be seen .
20 Mr Lang remains convinced that savings are still there to be made even though he appears to accept that these will be less than originally envisaged .
21 However , it is most likely that many expert tasks are also soon to be taken over by machines .
22 In the full orchestra four horns ( or , more accurately , two pairs of horns ) are now always to be found .
23 It drives me nuts to see all the jobs that are out there to be done . ’
24 You may be worried about other body fluids like spit or piss , but HIV is only ever found in these in very small amounts which are n't enough to be infectious .
25 The best clues are almost certainly to be found by studying those aspects of brain function which , if they become deranged , could account for the symptoms of psychotic illness , and currently a considerable amount of research is in progress testing out various possibilities .
26 If approved , plans for Cransley Lodge are almost certainly to be subjected to public enquiry .
27 But the only , the only facts we 've got , is a number seen , and the numbers that there are potentially there to be seen .
28 How many more Roman engineering schemes are there still to be recognised in the landscape ?
29 If services are no longer to be held , even irregularly , there may still be a local farmer or former parishioner who is willing to carry out basic maintenance .
30 Rectal intercourse and fellatio are both common among homosexuals and diseases are therefore often to be found in the rectum and mouth .
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