Example sentences of "are [adj] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Prone to blockage they are unsuitable for general use .
2 These squatter settlements have sprung up in great abundance , generally in undesirable and inaccessible areas , which are unsuitable for standard building .
3 Publishers ' casings are unsuitable for heavy library use , and many public librarians take up various options for strengthened editions offered by the library suppliers .
4 Although at first sight , the great abundance of bogs and freshwater lochs on the Outer Hebrides suggests an abundance of suitable sites for palaeoecological studies , on closer examination several are unsuitable for detailed investigation .
5 Pamphlets are unsuitable for open shelf stock .
6 Items within each of these are pre-selected for massive reproduction , and though this may often still fail the general effect is of a relatively formed market , within which the buyer 's choice — the original rationale of the market — has been displaced to operate , in majority , within an already selected range .
7 Scotland 's only new acquisitions during the decade were twenty-one Class 318s , three-car versions of the Class 317 , to service the newly electrified Glasgow-Ayr/Largs routes , although 1989 also witnessed the first withdrawals proper ( apart from accident victims or asbestos units ) of the original Pressed Steel 1959 ‘ Blue Train' Class 303s , whose unrefurbished examples are due for early replacement by 100mph Class 321-type Class 320s .
8 At a meeting on the estate Darlington council housing officers explained that 37 houses and flats in Eggleston , Dryburgh and Fountains View are due for large scale revitalisation work costing £350,000 .
9 Charity shops and jumble sales are grateful for spare clothing or household items , providing they are in reasonable condition .
10 The motherboard has seven 16-bit expansion slots , five of which are free for future expansion , an Intel 80486SX CPU ( Central Processing Unit ) with a clock speed of 25MHz and 2Mb DRAM ( Dynamic Random Access Memory ) upgradable to 32Mb .
11 One of the few luxuries within their reach is ceviche , a delicious mess of chopped raw fish with onions and lemon ; since fish feed near sewers , and are caught by people who wash ( if at all ) in sewer-water , they are perfect for spreading infection .
12 The identification of the sub-tasks which are appropriate for intensive training with feedback is achieved by task analysis .
13 Items such as double glazing and cavity wall insulation are standard for middle income homes .
14 Although large switching angles must be used to attain high pull-out rates , these angles are inappropriate for low-speed operation .
15 A VGA card and monitor are fine if you 're drawing at this level , and are okay for basic painting , although colours will be dithered and appear grainy , which is a problem for photographic retouching .
16 The same cubes , padded and covered are fine for occasional seating .
17 Times are hard for British business — ask anyone .
18 The government 's Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes has ruled that the carcasses of animals used in experiments on genetic engineering are fit for human consumption , and can be sold for butchering .
19 For example , in terms of food , cattle that we eat ; we eat meat in the rich countries , these are fed on grains that are fit for human consumption that are produced , for example in Central and South America , soya meal and so on .
20 List the names of all men twenty years old or older who are fit for military service ’ ( 1:1–3 ) .
21 Such a vision is as microscopic as Paul Scott 's is panoramic ; and a future historian , reading the Raj Quartet or J. G. Farrell 's Siege of Krishnapur ( 1973 ) , which tells of the Indian Mutiny , might easily make the mistake of supposing that the British are nostalgic for lost empire .
22 ‘ There are other places that can stage fringe drama but we really are ideal for small-scale dance , ’ Layhe says .
23 Optical arrays are ideal for parallel processing since light beams can cross without interfering with each other — and processing speed remains constant , irrespective of array size , once an image has been converted to an optical format .
24 Conditions of warm daytime temperatures and high humidity combined with much cooler night time temperatures are ideal for humid air to be trapped in tanks by day and condensed out by night ’ .
25 In these areas and between the laterals of the bars and spits , where the movement of the tide is usually unaccompanied by marked wave action , conditions are ideal for quiet deposition .
26 Table lamps are ideal for soft lighting and look particularly good in a traditional-style room .
27 Cambridge rolls , with independent ribbed rings , are ideal for pressing cereal and grass seeds into the soil .
28 These Ratchet Pruners from CK are ideal for light pruning jobs throughout the summer , as well as heavier work in autumn and spring .
29 Take a small water boiler such as those used for making tea — they are great for boiling water to either drink or clean your teeth .
30 As already mentioned , they are useful for strong rejection of low-frequency interfering signals originating from the mains supply , which is absolutely essential in many instances .
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