Example sentences of "are [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most advances are supposed to be short-term but in practice many are outstanding for long periods .
2 Of the twenty-one bedrooms , seventeen are spacious with private facilities , and the remaining four are attic rooms with shared bathrooms .
3 Surface pumps are preferable for some water gardens , especially where a relatively high ‘ head ’ of water is necessary , this ‘ head ’ being the vertical distance between water level and the highest point of discharge .
4 Self completed diaries are preferable to single questionnaires or clinic based consultation because accurate recall of symptoms may be affected by memory bias and single measures may be misleading .
5 Of course , even if insider trading had some tendency to make the market smoother the benefit from that smoothness ( and it is not entirely clear why smooth gradual movements are preferable to sudden jumps ) might not be worth its cost .
6 Even the most ardent critics of the closure programme agree that modern , small , and homely residential ‘ sanctuary ’ units are preferable to drafty wards in crumbling old hospitals where staff morale is often low .
7 Because you are alert to that possibility , you will already be expressing your thoughts in a direct way .
8 Instead of one group of market participants who do not learn from experience and another ( entrepreneurial ) group who do , we can work with market participants who are alert to changing buying and selling possibilities .
9 From the moment you first suspect you 're pregnant , you are alert to each change in your body and the way you feel .
10 If we are alert to textual detail — and all studies of the reverberations of imagery in the Miller 's Tale tell us that it is a tale that encourages us to be so ( see below ) — then we can also find a suggestive parallel between Absolon 's inability to detach himself entirely from the vulgarities of the human world and the Host 's failure to impose an elegantly hierarchical structure on the tale-telling competition .
11 They demonstrate that no heights are unobtainable by British Industry if it is willing to apply its enterprise and commitment to excellence .
12 ‘ We are less dependent upon the North Sea than we were five years ago and have , in other areas , more onshore than offshore interests because development costs — and in many cases drilling and operating costs — are lower on each barrel found and produced . ’
13 Characteristic stretching frequencies are lower for heavier atoms ;
14 Characteristic stretching frequencies are lower for weaker bonds , where the restoring forces are smaller ;
15 New Delhi rather than Bombay has been selected as the present venue as sales taxes are lower in that city .
16 it has a higher prevalence in cities than in the country , despite the fact that pollen levels are lower in built-up areas .
17 We are sorry for any misunderstanding or embarrassment this caused to James Capel and to the banks .
18 But never forget that He will forgive those who are sorry for any evil they have done .
19 Nevertheless , in the course of a great deal of inservice work with both primary and secondary teachers I have gained the impression that many are dissatisfied with current practice without knowing with any certainty how to improve matters .
20 Some Christian women are dissatisfied with this route to equality through male generic neutrality .
21 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
22 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
23 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
24 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
25 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
26 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
27 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
28 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
29 This will avoid wasting everybody 's time if the job , the candidate or the company are unsuitable for each other .
30 Prone to blockage they are unsuitable for general use .
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