Example sentences of "are [verb] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Countries to the east of us are in time zones with local time that is ahead of GMT , whereas local time and the time zones to the west are delayed with respect to ours .
2 Trading standards are liasing with colleagues in Liverpool where similar material has been found .
3 The Murray 's Handbooks to India are punctuated with references to stations much used by pilgrims .
4 If you are dismissed with pay in lieu of notice , or without notice , and you obtain new employment during the notice period , you are bound to bring into account those earnings .
5 Because of the underappreciation of asthma in elderly people such patients are treated with antibiotics for their respiratory infections but are left to suffer the dyspnoea and hazards of their respiratory obstruction .
6 The occurrence of colitis in animals that are vitamin deficient or that are treated with inhibitors of fatty acid metabolism support the theory that fatty acid metabolism is vital to the well being of the colonic epithelium .
7 Ironically his former club are competing with Middlesbrough for a play-off place but there can be no doubt that , despite the Kevin Keegan and Denis Smith events of recent months that Middlesbrough are the team of the moment .
8 In the event sequence is shown the long-term mean , the linear trend , the well-defined cycle , and the intermittent signal so that a typical sample period as shown will produce statistics which are biased with respect to the whole sequence .
9 Instead , such a member may enter into a clearing agreement with a clearing member whereunder all contracts made on the floor by the non-clearer are registered with LCH in the name of the clearing member .
10 The joints between the stones are filled with mortar after bedding sets .
11 Many women are filled with trepidation at the thought of their husbands ' retirement because they just want to do nothing .
12 This is hardly history but it is the past , and for those of us who are filled with wonder at those days , that past can give a powerful charge to one 's writing .
13 Very slender ideas with which to cover such large areas , very slender indeed , but nobody has ever complained of monotony ; rather we are filled with wonder by an experience so moving and poetic .
14 Classical and classicizing treatises on rhetoric and poetics are filled with descriptions of these linguistic ornaments , most of which have been codified to a very high degree .
15 Those who have worked with the animals are filled with nostalgia for the gentle giants .
16 Thus the state papers and personal archives of men prominent at court are filled with requests for office .
17 All the books can be had for under £2 and are filled with ideas for taking further .
18 Doctors ' surgeries are filled with sufferers from countless illnesses which often fall into the category of ‘ stress-related ’ : high blood pressure , anxiety , ulcers , depression , tension , exhaustion , insomnia , phobias , skin conditions such as eczema ; and PMT can also worsen when we 're under intense pressure .
19 Further they are in recognised literary genres , such as the diary — The Diary of Laura Palmer , for example — and , apart from the obligatory cover photograph , are filled with words from cover to cover .
20 While Sunday provides the flash-point for our worship , this can only happen when our Mondays to Saturdays are filled with praise for God as well .
21 Headteachers are filled with consternation at the idea that comparative attendance figures across the LEA should be published .
22 In many cases the static error can be reduced if several phases of the stepping motor are excited at the same time , so the potential benefits of multi-phase excitation are examined with reference to both hybrid and variable-reluctance stepping motors .
23 The singer 's life contained enough misbehaviour to make director Oliver Stone 's job easy ( pace that notorious gig in Miami when Jimbo bared more than his soul ) ; his songs are riddled with references to drugs and sex ; and — making the film a dead cert — he obligingly took an early bath in Paris in '71 .
24 It is interesting to ponder how the values of planners are formulated with respect to determining aesthetic criteria for decision-making .
25 In such circumstances either credits are arranged with merchants for surplus materials less a restocking charge , or they are sold or scrapped .
26 All of the currently available options are explained with examples of the pages as they appear to the user .
27 Walk on round to those cliffs and you come to what seem like utterly derelict sheds hanging on the edge of the precipice , stinking of goat : these are stacked with piles of skins for tanning , which goes on below in Brobdingnagian wooden barrels and enormous concrete troughs .
28 The police agreed that her disappearance was odd even suspicious but oddness and suspicion are on every breath a policeman takes — and meanwhile their offices are stacked with files of unquestionably real and still unsolved crimes .
29 Confronted with the entrance of significant new competitors , the secular decline and progressive decomposition of mass demand , innovative manufacturers are experimenting with methods of increasing productive flexibility , reducing the total cost of producing an extended and shifting product range for particular market niches rather than minimizing the average output cost of a narrow range of standardized commodities ( Sabel , 1982 ) .
30 A number of them are patched with squares of the ubiquitous plywood which is also employed to board up the now empty , adjoining , caretaker 's house .
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