Example sentences of "are [noun] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Facilitating adult learning and developing self direction in students are skills in their own right .
2 The contributors are all active researchers in Russian institutes and are authorities in their respective fields .
3 The customs of each country are manifestations of their essential beliefs , most of which are institutionalized in religions which do differ fundamentally .
4 Both the singing and the dialogue ( of which there is a good deal ) are expressive and sparkling , though there are times in her two solos , when Christiane Castelli ( Gontran ) seems a little uncertain pitch and fragile of tone .
5 Some would argue that many of these areas are disciplines in their own right and merit their own main class .
6 With these new ministers who are experts in their relevant fields Italy will I hope change very soon .
7 We know Italy as only Italians can , and you can rest assured that the Citalia staff are experts in their chosen field — Italian holidays .
8 Not least of these are disagreements within its own ranks .
9 The Government fail to appreciate — although they are prisoners of their own rhetoric and ideology — several important points which others readily grasp and would clearly like to do something about .
10 Effectively , that means that women of all classes , sizes , shapes and backgrounds are prisoners in their own homes .
11 In the meantime , RAF crews will continue to take comfort to the victims who are prisoners in their own land .
12 It is maintained , accordingly , that an ontological existent can be fully described and distinguished from any other similar existent in terms of its properties alone , and that its " relational " no less than any of its other properties are part of its essential description .
13 The evidence shows that these incidents reported in the media are merely the tip of the iceberg ; for many black people in Britain , physical assault or violent verbal expressions of racial hatred are part of their daily life .
14 Sometimes the word that they use , no only terms of endearment , er but other words , er special words to them , you know , are part of their own language of love .
15 Both the problems which individuals fix upon , and the methods they employ to solve them , are part of their theoretical heritage , so to speak , enshrined in the practices of which they are the supports .
16 How many of these are part of your closest relationship — whether with a partner , friend or relative ?
17 Who do you spend your time with her , are your commissioning editors people who are part of your daily life ?
18 The skills and disciplines to deliver each of these elements is available in Scotland , but will only be effectively utilised if they are part of our overall tourism strategy under one board and not , as now , with a variety of organisations working in partial isolation , and indeed often in competition .
19 The mentally handicapped are part of our disabled community .
20 It is these positive examples of what is generally taken to be a negative force that have given rise to such concepts as ‘ white ’ ( i.e. good ) witchcraft ; they are part of our European tradition and lend a certain credence to Margaret Murray 's exaggerated presentation of a satanic underground cult of evil co-existing with orthodox Christianity . ’
21 The Secretary of State for Education and Science has referred to LEAs ' and schools ' ‘ important responsibility to work towards the promotion of equality of opportunity for the different ethnic groups who are part of our national life ’ .
22 Commenting on the transactions , Joe Darby , LASMO 's Chief Executive , said today : ‘ These disposals are part of our continuing strategy to reduce debt and gearing and to divest ourselves of peripheral assets when attractive prices can be obtained .
23 Guarantees to you are part of our domestic customer service — there is no direct cost to you .
24 Our bodies are part of our whole makeup and the intimate relationship of marriage needs expression in closeness of body as well as of mind and spirit .
25 As we are part of our own subject matter , we ultimately find ourselves .
26 The trainers are part of my ritual resolution to get fit ( instead of boozing with my mates each evening ) , and the paperwork usually includes at least one final demand from an irate publisher or editor .
27 A flash of sunlight , burning logs , an old psalm tune , fallen leaves , are part of his remembered world ; as are ballads , songs and dance rhythms , the sound of water sliding down window panes , or slapping against holes in the river bank .
28 Dr Apps is off on an expedition of a lifetime to the Arctic Circle next month and three chocolate bars are part of his daily diet .
29 That 's doubtless because originators Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick are writing about themselves and their friends : like Michael Steadman , who is at the centre of this universe , they are Jews in their mid-thirties married to non-Jews and with young children .
30 To Freire , the purpose of education should be human liberation , which means people are subjects of their own learning , not empty vessels filled by teachers ' knowledge .
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