Example sentences of "by his [noun sg] that he " in BNC.

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1 Sandison 's idling thoughts were suddenly overtaken by his realisation that he was in a place far , far from home , a place so different and not exactly hostile but alien , perhaps unknowable .
2 ‘ I did n't know you were religious , Balvinder , ’ surprised by his admission that he had been to the gurdwara .
3 I knew at once by his tone that he meant — ‘ and I do n't think much of it ’ .
4 It emerged that Harbury had rung Tavett 's home and been told by his wife that he was unwell and had gone to the doctor 's surgery .
5 After some hesitation she called Ken Harris 's home and was told by his wife that he had not yet returned .
6 I can tell by his face that he has not been successful .
7 She saw by his face that he had not , and grimaced as she thought of the gruesome tasks she was obliged to perform , degrading both for herself and for her far from easy patient .
8 One man , told by his doctor that he had cancer , retreated to his bedroom and wept for a week , refusing to eat and waiting to die .
9 Hank was so used to being deserted by his mother that he did not think it odd that she should go out on the first evening in ten weeks that his father had been able to spend at home .
10 His documentary ( pretentiously entitled Vaughanssaga ) is blighted by his belief that he is some kind of Broadcasting Artist .
11 His decision to do so , however , appears to have been motivated more by his belief that he had been personally insulted by the Spanish during the earlier marriage negotiations and by a romantic desire to restore his sister and brother-in-law to their inheritance than by any wish to display solidarity with the Protestant cause , which was crumbling away before the seemingly irresistible progress of the Hapsburg armies .
12 Dr Neil put his head on one side and said gravely , ‘ You must learn not to be impudent to the Master , McAllister — it really will not do , ’ but she knew by his manner that he was not serious , and she thought again what a pity it was that the ugly scar so spoiled and distorted his face .
13 He was knocked around so much by his father that he ended up with a crooked leg , but he must have had some courage , because he was the only one of his clutch to survive .
14 A cocky 12-year-old in an expensive Goretex jacket , Kevin claims that he went to the boy 's home and was told by his father that he had not killed anyone .
15 However , he made inquiries and was told by his bank that he was not eligible for such a loan because in the past he had received a Government grant .
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