Example sentences of "by a [num] year old " in BNC.

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1 To point the contrast , we can look at the process of written production in action through a piece of writing by a 10 year old , Thomas .
2 The girl was one of three passengers being driven by a seventeen year old in a stolen white metro .
3 The three best moments of his career were , appropriately , the concert highlights : ‘ Wo n't Get Fooled Again' , ‘ 5.15 ’ and , despite the easy jokes , ‘ My Generation ’ , whose lyrics still have some pertinence even when sung by a 45 year old .
4 Editor , — We would like to add some comments to the case report of E Zapata and A Orwin dealing with bronchoconstriction and hypertension experienced by a 45 year old man taking alcohol and disulfiram .
5 The tractor was being driven by a 16 year old boy .
6 It 's understood that allegations of indecency were made by a 17 year old trainee monk in Brixton .
7 The allegations of indecency concern a complaint by a 17 year old trainee monk .
8 Thank you , and that 's written by a thirteen year old pretty good ah , let's have a male voice amongst all of this .
9 The Dutch publisher Atlas is to bring out the translation of a debut novel , Essays in Love , by a 22 year old , Swiss-born English writer , Alain de Botton , in August — nearly six months before publication in the UK by Macmillan is due .
10 Crystal ( 1979 ) demonstrates this in his valuable analysis of a piece of personal reminiscence by a 9 year old .
11 The court 's been told it was probably done by a three year old boy .
12 The finishing touches are being put to a folly inspired by a 250 year old painting .
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