Example sentences of "by the [noun pl] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The case has the hallmarks of a debtor who is unable or unwilling to make a payment , not of a debtor who genuinely thinks or is advised that the amount charged by the solicitors was unreasonable .
2 Marcus parsers behave in a strictly deterministic manner ; no backtracking is permitted and all of the structures created by the parsers are permanent .
3 In Yerkey v. Jones , 63 C.L.R. 649 Dixon J. expressed the opinion , supported by a carefully researched argument , that the tenderness to wives exhibited by the cases was attributable to two factors .
4 The importance of this can not be underestimated and a qualitative assessment by the investors is essential before the lawyers and accountants become involved .
5 The only people cheered by the figures were cold cure producers — victims spent £172 million on remedies last year .
6 In the premises , the duration of the order made by the justices was excessive .
7 The chairman of the council 's economic development committee , Donald Anderson , said the amount of goodwill enjoyed by the mineworkers was outstanding .
8 But if the body struck by the stinging-cells is large — such as a human swimmer 's — the poison is usually insufficient to kill .
9 But according to a Greenpeace scientist , the amount of cod and capelin taken by the seals is insufficient to account for any significant decline in cod numbers .
10 While the children sent by the courts are likely to be , on average , more disturbed than those received under section 2 , the differences are not too noticeable .
11 On those grounds it ought to be possible to argue that , if a trust has been created , it is actionable if the standard of care shown by the fathers was adequate in the judgment of a good man .
12 First of all , laboratory experiments on hypnosis and memory are not conducted on stressed individuals , but most people interviewed by the police are upset .
13 Only by restoring the confidence of these sectors can crime control by the police be successful , and the prerequisite of this is democratic accountability to local communities .
14 Almost half the wives from farms with no previous ATB contact said that they would attend and this increase in participation by the wives was likely to grow .
15 The shielding with the collimator supplied by the manufacturers was insufficient as it caused a high background level , and hence a new lead collimator was designed to provide a more directional response .
16 His reception by the sisters was heart-warming , and there was regret all round that he could not stay any time , that haste was vital .
17 The Commission feels strongly that the training received by the clergy is crucial to the future of Church music .
18 The trial succeeded in finding several organisational problems but did not achieve its secondary objective because it became clear that the breadth and depth of knowledge needed by the individuals were implicit in the experience needed to do the job and that the individual could work quicker and chop and change subject more easily than the expert system .
19 In Britain , where there has been a tradition of less direct central control , the climate created by the headteachers is likely to be the most important factor in determining teacher involvement .
20 Video footage taken both from the ground and from attacking allied aircraft suggested that the cruise missiles and the laser-guided bombs used by the allies were capable of a very high degree of accuracy .
21 While this submission to humanist notions of individual greatness by the authors is unfortunate ( and rather out-moded by recent historical methodology ) , it would be unfair to diminish the contribution of these essays , particularly those of Prelinger and Bachert .
22 … then , without any question of resort to a court of equity , there might have been a defence in a court of law on the ground that any money recoverable on the note by the plaintiffs was recoverable by them merely as trustees for Sir Richard Temple , and that , under the circumstances disclosed by the correspondence , the relations between the father and son were such that it was impossible to suppose that the father wished to insist on payment of the note by the son .
23 Even when there are no covenants by a buyer , if the purchase is in joint names execution by the buyers is necessary to commit them to the terms on which they hold the property as set out in the transfer .
24 The wide area covered by the enquiries was amazing .
25 To the casual observer the layout of the plant and the flexibility introduced by the carriers are striking improvements over the traditional assembly plant with the track making its inexorable progress past every fixed work station , and Volvo claim that the increased cost of building the plant in this way is covered by improvements in quality and productivity .
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