Example sentences of "by the [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The TAGH solution ( 9 ml ) was made up fresh at the time of the experiment and infused by the tail vein from 20 ml hyperdermic syringes mounted in horizontal syringe pumps set to deliver 3 ml/h .
2 The difficulty encountered by the expertise theory in trying to demonstrate the legitimacy of corporate managerial power by showing that there are restraints on the discretion of the managers stems from its attempt to combine a deference to the judgments of business managers with an insistence that corporate managers are subject to fiduciary duties that prevent them from exercising their power for their own purposes or for other non-corporate ends .
3 The team from the King 's School , Canterbury , proved to be local masters of chemistry in the Top of the bench tournament organised by the Kent Section in November .
4 It was printed by Thomas Constable of Edinburgh [ q.v. ] , and published in 1845 , the cost met by the mission board of the United Secession Church , aided by a grant of £500 from the British and Foreign Bible Society .
5 An FMLN communiqué issued by the FMLN leadership on Nov. 26 claimed that the Nov. 19-20 offensive had been the first action of its newly proclaimed professional " National Army for Democracy " , a merger of its five previous organizations into a conventional rank structure .
6 Two sections of the thesis are to be submitted to Mind and Language for publication as separate papers at the end of March and the whole to be published by the Harvester Press as The Philosophy of First Language Acquisition .
7 She felt the desolation of a child in a strange house , saddened by the alien nature of the sandwiches , bewildered by the peculiar quality of the trifle which the family of the house take greedily for granted , almost afraid of the unfamiliar shape of the jelly , choked by the frogspawn lump of unshed tears , past which not one small sweetie can negotiate a passage .
8 Much of the route passes through attractive undulating countryside formerly owned by the Knightley family of Fawsley Hall .
9 The former royal estate was bought by the Knightley family in 1415 and the original hall was built in 1540 .
10 A bitter and complex dispute was decided by the crown jurists in the interests of the foreros ( 1763 ) , and when the entailed lands of the nobility and the church estates were put on the market by the liberal legislation of the nineteenth century they purchased their foros and became the outright owners of land they had rented ; they became foristas .
11 ( 2 ) Regulations shall provide that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by a magistrates ' court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Crown Court and that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by the Crown Court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Court of Appeal .
12 Accordingly , it might no longer be thought necessary to distinguish marital from non-marital rape in the way suggested in the Working Paper since the public and family interest could be taken into account by the Crown Prosecutor with guidance from the Director .
13 The samples are those juveniles under the age of fourteen years , those charged with burglary and those where the decision of the police to prosecute is overturned by the Crown Prosecutor as not requiring prosecution .
14 And so it came about that while the Operational Staffs of the three Service Ministries were grappling with the Suez crisis of 1956 , which entailed increasing the Defence effort and calling up reservists to fill gaps in the order of battle for the contingency plan Musketeer , they were answering questions posed by the Hull Committee about the implications of halving Service manpower by April 1960 or 1961 at the very latest !
15 The expulsion of the money-lenders from the Jerusalem Temple and the overturning of their tables was not expunged by the gospel writers as an unworthy , improper or inappropriate response from Jesus .
16 The muddle could — and should — be cleared by introducing a workable mental-disorder defence , along the lines recommended by the Butler Committee in 1975 .
17 About his acceptance by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama he did not have to lie .
18 His Love in the Country was produced in 1974 by the Guildhall School of Music , where he also taught .
19 The recurrence of Gough 's injury looks , if the reaction of his team-mates was a reliable barometer , to be a serious one and is the latest blow sustained by the Ibrox captain in a season that has been punctuated by mishaps .
20 The courtyard was overlooked by the lancet windows of the manorial home itself , and a large chapel .
21 When examining Barbarossa as a legendary character , this image appears again , from a traditional source collected by the Grimm brothers in the nineteenth century .
22 The following four German folktales relating to this theme , as collected by the Grimm brothers in the nineteenth century , are typical but only a fraction of the many variants known .
23 France , the papacy , Poland and perhaps other states , also honoured Venetian ambassadors in these ways , while in 1603 the doge in Venice knighted a group of seven ambassadors sent to him by the Grisons league in Switzerland , and in 1621 James I did the same for six deputies sent to London by the Dutch republic .
24 To use Jessop 's ( 1982 ) terminology , it was a ‘ one nation ’ programme involving corporatist social strategies in the resolution of a crisis ; at that time , the crisis engendered for the North East 's social and industrial base by the pit closures under Rob ens in consequence of a shift in UK energy policy towards the utilization of ( then ) relatively cheap imported oil .
25 However , sometimes there are arrangements connected with an issue of shares , such as a guarantee given by the parent company of amounts payable in respect of the shares , which can affect the accounting .
26 The indignation stirred up by the gutter press in Nuremberg focuses on Dr Fohrbeck 's religious convictions .
27 The 1937 batch of twenty railcoaches were the exception amongst the streamliners , being built by the Brush Company of Loughborough , hence their familiar name .
28 Closing the costings gap is never easy , and is resisted by the Service departments with all the ingenuity that they can muster .
29 In other words , the duty to uphold and support just institutions comes into play when the conditions of legitimacy implied by the service conception of authority are satisfied .
30 During the war these derelict pits were used for various purposes ; Lee 's or Houlder pit became a bomb and ammunition store for the R.A.F. The top pit of Batchelors was used by the Home Guard as a rifle range , and for other weapon training .
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