Example sentences of "by [noun sg] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
2 In India , dowry taking has long been forbidden by law but it persists strongly even in the cities .
3 The term ‘ strategy ’ , as a way of conceptualising management actions , refers to long-term policies pursued by management and it implies , according to one common approach , that management has a choice between alternative possibilities with respect to the best ways of attaining its labour relations objectives — within the constraints set by the external environment .
4 It has been particularly effective in providing a secure home base for families that have been physically scattered by emigration and it seems quite possible that small-scale farming of this kind may enjoy a new vogue , with the greater appreciation of self-provisioning , especially for fuel , to say nothing of the scenic beauty of the places where it is carried on .
5 Er , the position of the British government is this , that it regrets er the inconvenience and the expense , er it would like to see a very sensible resolution but it knows that there will only be a resolution as I know the honourable gentleman knows by unanimity and it does not expect to see that unanimity in the future though it will work for it .
6 Orton 's camp is indeed constituted by playfulness and it acts as a solvent of morality — but it does this to provoke rather than disarm moral indignation .
7 An urgent message for the CO one morning was a very welcome change for his staff , especially as the note was by hand and it came from Lord Halifax .
8 1993 will be the year of the electric car , the video phone and the computer notebook — you write by hand and it comes out in print .
9 But the same table also allows one to deduce the distribution of these migrants county by county and it shows that the great majority of migrants are being directed into the rural areas of Clwyd , Dyfed and Gwynedd .
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