Example sentences of "by [v-ing] they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Audit committees are only as good as their members : they will help to enhance standards of corporate governance only if they are made up of truly independent non-executive directors with the experience , the skill and the commitment to : challenge knowledgeably , incisively and fearlessly the actions and judgments of management as they relate to the financial reporting process ; monitor actively management 's commitment to the maintenance of an effective system of internal control ; support the auditors by encouraging them to discuss their findings and views freely ; and act independently and objectively in helping to resolve differences of view between auditors and management .
2 The working hypothesis reached by the counsellor has to be transferred to the counsellees , not through direct transmission , but by helping them achieve their own insights .
3 Throughout human history , disabled people have constantly confounded the low expectations of others , and how much better it would be for special educators to raise the expectations of disabled children and their families by giving them an understanding of this , by helping them to accept their disabled identities with pride , by helping them to understand their place in the world and their rights as well as giving them the practical skills to deal with these issues .
4 Throughout human history , disabled people have constantly confounded the low expectations of others , and how much better it would be for special educators to raise the expectations of disabled children and their families by giving them an understanding of this , by helping them to accept their disabled identities with pride , by helping them to understand their place in the world and their rights as well as giving them the practical skills to deal with these issues .
5 The Commission sees itself as motivating authorities to make improvements by helping them to help themselves .
6 Vargas Llosa 's The Time of the Hero , which is set in a Peruvian military academy where the cadets assume an ostentatious machismo as a survival strategy , oscillates between third-person narration and monologue ( interior and spoken ) to bring out the gulf between the boys ' public personae and their sensitive and vulnerable inner self , and to highlight how social intercourse distorts their personality by conditioning them to suppress their softer feelings .
7 It may motivate students by allowing them to get their ‘ hands on ’ at an early stage .
8 I have seen enough to believe that the materials , over time , will prove to be of real help to teachers trying to solve their own problems by enabling them to see what support there is in the sharing of difficulties and by strengthening the belief that efficient discussion can lead to effective action .
9 Fostering links between school and community , after strengthening the communities by enabling them to develop their own organisations to meet existing needs whether in the social , cultural or economic fields .
10 Hum. , 1908–13 ) for the purpose of giving graduates of the College opportunity to travel at such time in their careers as might be of most value to them either by enabling them to broaden their experience of other countries and their peoples or to carry out research .
11 They helped maintain concern , but ultimately also divisive debate , over suppression of the transatlantic slave trade and whether or not the encouragement of free-labour staples , combined with consumer boycotts of slave-grown produce , could convert slaveholders into emancipators by forcing them to revise their calculations of economic interest .
12 ‘ The good ones do n't have time for long drunken lunches , and you get better results by getting them to give you and the client a sandwich in a bar at six p.m .
13 Knudson [ t 971 ] reports impressive results by getting them to prepare their own videotaped dramas -during which varied language activities were practised absorbedly . )
14 In short , it 's not the use of language that distinguishes being told the truth from other ways of finding it out : it 's the fact that when we tell people the truth , we do so by getting them to believe what we believe .
15 The Back Pain Association was formed to encourage and support research into the causes and treatment of back pain and to help people to prevent damage to the spine by teaching them to use their bodies sensibly .
16 He was accused in a pamphlet , written by the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and circulated by Nigel Watts , a property developer , of deceiving the Yugoslavs by letting them believe they were going to Italy .
17 Each interview was with a single-sex group of girls or boys , and I began by asking them to choose their favourite character or person on TV and tell me a bit about them .
18 He recommends training children by asking them to tell you where they think its safe to cross , or when there 's a safe gap in traffic .
19 But newspapers responded by saying they had nothing to apologise for , and described the statement as ‘ astonishing . ’
20 For example , capitalists in competition with each other could over-exploit their workforces , ruining workers ' productivity , and by immiserizing them render them incapable of absorbing factory outputs .
21 But by telling them to take themselves on the bikes it keeps them occupied . ’
22 By leaving they know they have renounced the country where they were born , grew up and went to school .
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