Example sentences of "by [v-ing] that [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 But my argument has been that it is not difficult to defend something roughly resembling the status quo rather than being bludgeoned into a guilty conscience by accepting that one is a covert elitist or racist .
2 By accepting that there is a market and career structure for the Administrative Assistant as well as the Shorthand Secretary , it is possible to treat Shorthand as an optional subject rather than as a major core element .
3 One response to this has been to challenge the position of the majority in the province by suggesting that it is not the population of the province who should decide the issues at stake but the population of the whole of Ireland .
4 Its sponsor hints at an apology for the mayhem by suggesting that it 's a glitch , a temporary snag to be overcome .
5 The prosecution must prove beyond all reasonable doubt that she did not consent and the defence will be irresistibly tempted to raise that doubt by suggesting that she is the type of woman who might well have done .
6 A simple illustration of s.16(2) ( b ) is obtaining insurance at better rates by intimating that one is a non-smoker when in fact one is .
7 How ancient this thought is we can see by noticing that it is just the figure Plato used in The Republic to supply his political myth justifying political inequality ( Bk .
8 Of course , there is always the milkman : one of society 's front-line social workers , who has saved the lives of countless elderly people by noticing that there is something amiss and alerting neighbours or the police .
9 Yet software house Microsoft recently caused quite a stir in computer circles by announcing that it is using real people , working for real companies , to test its software products .
10 IBM Corp has shocked all Manhattan — or at any rate New York 's chattering classes — by announcing that it is to close the Gallery of Science & Art , an extremely popular gallery for visiting art exhibitions in the basement of its tower on Madison Avenue : it says it will try to find the seven employees of the gallery other jobs in the company , without holding out very much hope .
11 And he gets a lot of publicity out of this by er , being photographed with Ted Heath , by announcing that he 's showing clemency to people who are convicted by the Iraqi courts , and that really people should n't hold too much against him .
12 Equipped by Morag Hood with an accent that sounds strangely reminiscent of Edward Fox as the Duke of Windsor , Vivien stops Walter in his tracks by announcing that she is pregnant .
13 If the aggressiveness and bullying continues , though , make your disapproval plain by explaining that it 's naughty and that you 're disappointed in her .
14 You will think me discourteous , but perhaps I may excuse myself by explaining that it is the discourtesy of grief . ’
15 The procedure continues for weeks with the man unable to tell the girl that he still buys the ticket even though he no longer has a car , and the girl not wanting to hurt his feelings by revealing that she is just taking a short cut , walking through the car park on her way to W. H. Smith .
16 The Home Secretary sought to justify placing the burden of disproof on defendants by remarking that it is ‘ in common with other statutory defences of this kind ’ ( H.C .
17 concerts and things , but you can , you can tell , with just , just by listening that it 's not just any old body tinkling on the piano , it 's wonderful , it makes you sick .
18 He has been known to refuse autographs by pleading that he 's nothing special and really does n't warrant such attention .
19 Aston Villa manager Ron Atkinson last night heightened the tension surrounding today 's Premier League match of the day by recalling that it is six years to the day since Manchester United sacked him .
20 Finally , it is perhaps worth concluding this section by emphasizing that there is still much controversy among the scientific community about the magnitude of many of the effects being discussed .
21 As it stands , this maximin problem is not an LP but it can be made into one by observing that it is equivalent to maximising subject to min and the constraints .
22 But it was a rather confused piece of reasoning as his article began by conceding that there is strong support for the development of labour policies in the North .
23 Then , in the predicate , there is the pay-off , which I should like to express , in terms derived from the preceding discussion of the meaning of ‘ I meant … ’ , by saying that what is , from outside , a sentence is , from inside , what is thought ( 54 , 290 ) , where ‘ from inside ’ refers to the thought-symbol 's actually playing the role ( 238 ) which characterises the reality in question .
24 We can restate Saussure 's argument by saying that he is taking colour terminology as paradigmatic for all language ; just as colour terms impose arbitrary divisions on the continuous spectrum of light waves , so all other words impose arbitrary divisions on the ‘ indefinite plane of jumbled ideas ’ which , without language , would constitute our mental experience .
25 I think I 'd start off by saying that it 's probably and likely to f that you could find in the Greater York area , between six and ten miles from the city centre , erm one location which met every one of the twelve criteria , one hundred percent .
26 And he then justifies particular incidents of of er of violence and attack by saying that it 's the local tyrants , the , the evil gentry , the landless , the lawless landlords who have driven the peasants to do this anyway .
27 He later addressed the question of why this awareness only arises occasionally ( in The Interpretation of Dreams ) by saying that it is an expression of conflict about the will .
28 At a phenomenal level , what happens here can be described by saying that it is as if your perceptual mechanisms became fatigued by some salient characteristic of the adapting stimulus — its orientation or periodicity in the case of Figure 9 , or direction of movement in the case of the motion after-effect .
29 We often justify the fact that routinely-collected information is seldom used by saying that it is unreliable .
30 Now it is of course always possible to substitute ( x ) Fx for ( Ex ) Fx , replacing the existential quantifier , that is , with a universal quantifier plus negation , but there is nothing much to be gained by such a swap , for to paraphrase the proposition that something is human by saying that it is not the case that everything is non-human is merely to beg the question .
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