Example sentences of "by [v-ing] some [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The simplest method is to switch off the lights and to lighten the shadow areas by reflecting some of the daylight back onto the subject .
2 An ‘ Inner Windsurfing ’ approach has yet to be fully developed , but we can benefit by using some of the ideas and assumptions .
3 It was now that the Greeks ( illiterate for several centuries , since the clumsy syllabary evolved in the later Bronze Age had died with the social system it served ) borrowed the suppler consonantal alphabet developed by the Phoenicians and improved on it by using some of the symbols for vowels .
4 A further paternalistic argument is that a law restricting consent helps to protect individual citizens from themselves by counteracting some of the social pressures and shame which might otherwise occur .
5 She went into the bathroom and I made my own supper by slicing some of the foul cheese and shoving it between two slices of greased plastic bread .
6 Let me illustrate this by relating some of the history of my ‘ Hylas Fights Back ’ dialogue .
7 It seems to meet some deep need to atone for modern materialism , by saving some of the materials from the rubbish bin .
8 Doubtless , ultraviolet light has helped evolution to m – along by causing some of the genetic variation that natural selection must work upon .
9 The Bill will update and modernise the Nurses , Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1979 by remedying some of the defects that have become apparent since then , following the Peat , Marwick , McLintock review of the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting and the four national boards .
10 Jeremy Rivers concludes by describing some of the key issues facing personnel management , including his views on costs and benefits of a CPIS .
11 But the growing pressure for such change can , of course , be illustrated more objectively by recalling some of the new evidence and arguments about education and social policy marshalled during these fruitful years .
12 Here the washerwomen find , or sometimes make , by moving some of the smaller stones , a kind of basin through which the water flows , and in which they can dip the linen .
13 In fact its implications are , in my view , rather ambiguous and this can be shown by considering some of the basic features of the UK economy that were outlined in sections 1.3 and 1.4 .
14 This can be illustrated by considering some of the key characteristics of jobbing production .
15 Much charitable effort was devoted to this cause on the assumption that improved housing conditions , by removing some of the degradation from the lives of the poor , would give them more hope and greater enthusiasm for the struggle for self-help and survival .
16 This would involve identifying those who could satisfy criteria or competence and reliability , and encouraging them by removing some of the administrative restrictions now applying .
17 Another approach is to try to fix the race by removing some of the uncertainty , using primitives which are less informative but more robust .
18 It is possible to obtain extended reverberation times by feeding some of the delayed signal back to the input of the unit .
19 Acetylcysteine also seems to improve survival in established fulminant hepatic failure , perhaps by reversing some of the adverse haemodynamic changes that occur at that time .
20 By asking some of the questions listed above in the section on criteria , it is possible to compare the different systems .
21 Billie Rudyard , who is co-ordinating the course , explained : ‘ The women will be able to get ‘ hands on ’ experience during the course , by doing some of the work at the new centre . ’
22 In fact , proof of this can be seen by examining some of the available evidence concerning human beings who have failed to be ‘ made social ’ via socialisation in the way we have been describing .
23 We will , therefore , continue this chapter by examining some of the evidence concerning the units of language used in processing beyond the level of single word identification .
24 We shall now attempt to dispel some of this mystique by examining some of the more important economic aspects of international selling .
25 What I shall do now is try to back up this last statement by sketching some of the characteristics of childish thought , showing how they can be explained in constructivist terms .
26 By underwriting some of the heavy costs of development , Philips reasoned , they would break the confidence barrier and get the right levels of preliminary investment to secure a healthy catalogue of titles to support their launch .
27 By substituting some of the layers the mineral can be delaminated and the platelets kept apart physically .
28 Summing the two fet outputs in Tr3 gives a triangular wave and a small square component , which is removed by taking some of the squares at the VCO output to the summing point .
29 A co-therapist can make the experience of running the group more enjoyable by taking some of the responsibility off the therapist 's shoulders , and reinforcing and consolidating the information .
30 This is done by taking some of the parameter estimates from external empirical sources .
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