Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 When he returned to Danzig Greisser was treated as a conquering hero , and was greeted by cheering crowds at the railway station .
2 The terms can be drafted so as to provide that all contracts between the parties are to be governed by those terms , and a copy of the terms can be signed by trading partners at the commencement of a trading relationship .
3 And there is another aspect of the construction of a word which it may also be helpful to know something about : that some ( particularly longer ) words are built out of other words , by adding prefixes at the beginning or suffixes at the end .
4 The Declaration 's organizational framework committed parties to " co-ordinate and co-operate … by holding meetings at the foreign ministers ' level " .
5 Big instant profits can be made on initial public offerings ( IPOs ) in most countries simply by buying shares at the offer price and selling them straight away .
6 Whether they be in mixed ability , banded , streamed or set groups , the teacher must cater for each pupil 's progress by providing tasks at the appropriate levels .
7 I tend to snap up good second-hand equipment if I have the opportunity , and obtain new items by approaching stand-holders at the big shows 5 minutes before packing-up time on Sunday .
8 The park has tried to repair the damage by cutting prices at the gates and in the hotels but visitors still complain it 's too expensive .
9 Britain 's Sally Prosser , favourite to take the Asian Circuit order of merit title , also had an eagle in her 71 , in which she emulated Forbes by dropping shots at the final two holes .
10 This phrase means that there was no current vehicle excise licence in force and this point can be verified by making enquiries at the DVLC , Swansea .
11 One night , in a state of despair , he drank several cans of lager with friends from college — and on the way home , expressed years of frustration against his parents ' beliefs ( as well as his deep need for their love ) by throwing stones at the stained glass windows .
12 The Hegelian tendency in Marcuse 's work suggested that contradictions in the conditions of existence could be conquered by raising contradictions at the level of consciousness .
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