Example sentences of "by [adj] [prep] the next " in BNC.

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1 The message which I bring you is , that on the Government 's own figures , business failures will rise by 35,000 in the next 12 months and unemployment will rise much faster yet … ’
2 THE NUMBER of army bands is to be cut by half over the next two years — but all Scottish regimental pipes and drums have escaped the axe .
3 Education Secretary John Patten says the Government wants to boost the number of students in further education by 222,000 over the next three years .
4 It is highly probable that by early in the next century it will require no more than ten per cent of the labour force to provide us with all our material needs — that is , all the food we eat , all the clothing we wear , all the textiles and furnishings in our houses , the houses themselves , the appliances , the automobiles , and so on .
5 It is slashing its UK retailing workforce by 3,500 over the next five years , a staggering 20% of the 15,000 total .
6 It might be thought that a programme which proposes to cut the federal workforce by 100,000 over the next four years had scant claim to be a drive for jobs .
7 We will immediately introduce an emergency programme of investment in the infrastructure and in public works in order to get companies and people back to work , thus reducing unemployment by 600,000 over the next two years .
8 Court staffing levels would be increased by 400 in the next financial year and an extra £2 million had been allocated to the court service for this financial year .
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