Example sentences of "by [noun] and [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 If a libel is extremely serious , to the extent that a court is prepared to hold that it can not be compensated by money and deserves to be punished as a crime , its publisher may be made the target of a prosecution .
2 If the developers of these walled refuges were bold enough to include small industries , perhaps also offering to connect young executives by computer and fax to the outside world , the inhabitants of clusterland would never have to leave home at all .
3 He went back to his worktable at home in Church Row , confident that Sergeant Phyllis Henley would soon be captured by Jean and brought to him .
4 A plan to expand preferential trade tariffs as a means of integrating the region was opposed by Mexico and led to the adjournment of the meeting of the Latin American Association for Integration ( ALADI ) held in Mexico City on May 1-2 , 1990 .
5 Nevertheless , my mother , who had been a member of the Young Communist League before the war , went with three young children by boat and train to Majorca .
6 Peter Davies , the housing association 's chief executive , said all the families were evacuated by boat and taken to the Aberconwy Centre .
7 She said its classlessness also had a strong appeal with ‘ business people and gardeners living side by side and talking to each other . ’
8 Vitruvius provides a clear description of an example of the late period from which it seems that the temples contained three cells placed side by side and dedicated to three different deities .
9 Each day during filming , the supporting cast were picked up by limousines and taken to Shepperton Studios or Bovingdon RAF base in Hertfordshire .
10 The missing keys to the boat house and to the Princess had been the clue , spotted by Pete and reported to Ross Aldridge in a phonecall when Ted was out of earshot .
11 Tom Rosenthal , chairman and managing director of Deutsch , warned that a tax on books could raise prices by 20% and lead to the abolition of the Net Book Agreement .
12 In a very human example of technology transfer , children at several hospitals in the UK and abroad have had unsightly birthmarks ( sometimes called ‘ port-wine stains ’ ) treated by a new laser system developed by AEA and licensed to SLS Ltd .
13 Full day by coach and train to Zermatt via the Simplon Pass , and up the rack railway to the Matterhorn .
14 Until the end of April Margot Gordon and Marcello Aldega will be showing a number of pictures from their 1992 catalogue , including : Fra Bartolommeo 's ‘ Holy Family with the infant St John the Baptist ’ dated by Chris Fisher to around 1515–16 ; a ‘ Nativity with Saints ’ by Penni , attributed by Nicholas Turner ; a late ‘ Male Profile ’ by Parmigianino , possibly a self-portrait ; a ‘ Putto ’ by Annibale Carracci , attributed by Oberhuber and relating to the upper part of the S. Gregorio altarpiece , Bologna ; two sheets by Simone Cantarini , ‘ Jove and Ganymede ’ and a ‘ Male figure ’ .
15 Untanned skin takes time for the natural melanin pigment to be triggered off by sunrays and to rise to the surface to make you look brown .
16 Mary would remain in Scotland until she was ten , when she would be married by proxy and go to England .
17 Where the summons has been so sent by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service ( N 216 ) is sent to the plaintiff saying that he may request bailiff service .
18 Where the summons has been so served by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service is sent to the plaintiff ( N 216 ) .
19 On the western coast , where extensive marshes are to be found in Cardigan Bay , the succession of plants differs in some respects from that of the east coast , but the general process of deposition encouraged by plants and leading to a sequence of changing plant communities is similar .
20 So Caterina the next day ran into Tommaso on an errand as if by accident and muttered to him ; she was twisting her limbs and quite red with fear , but he followed her as she ducked awkwardly into the church and knelt in front of the Madonna of the Spasm in the votive chapel .
21 Tracy West , who was knocked down , was picked up by bystanders and taken to a nearby shop , where she was treated for shock before being taken to the Memorial Hospital .
22 In February , the first , the Almirante Brown , was handed over by Blohm and Voss to the Argentinian navy in a quiet ceremony on deck .
23 6 The exercise is completed by landing and returning to the crouched position .
24 Very often , in the middle of the evening , she would be overcome by lassitude and retire to bed , often before the shops downstairs were closed .
25 A major failure of the Congress , as identified by Yeltsin and attributed to its composition in that it was weighted in favour of the conservatives , was the refusal to endorse a clause in the draft constitution allowing the sale and privatization of land .
26 Yet another reveals that a fanciful sculptured clock at Waddesdon previously regarded as French is also by Giuseppe and related to a fascinating sequence of designs .
27 Each is published by name and dedicated to a noblewoman .
28 The sense of outrage on the part of both Marx and Braverman at the crippling effects ( physical or spiritual ) on many workers of the division of labour within capitalist enterprises is fully justified , but their unitary and rationalistic conception of the total subordination of labour to capital leads them to an overestimation of the role this division of labour must play in the formation of social collectivities : the extraction of any ‘ skill ’ content from labour for the mass of workers ; the homogenisation of ‘ simple labour ’ in all branches of production ; the cheapening of labour power ; increasingly intolerable oppression — these tendencies are bound to overwhelm any secondary differentiation of the workers by branch or by enterprise and lead to the formation of a revolutionary proletariat .
29 But at Chinon , while his father slept , the Young King slipped away by night and fled to the court of King Louis .
30 In this way the bed became two back to back sofas by day and reverted to its original function at night .
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