Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] only [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Further quantitative analysis may be carried out for consonant structure , liquid confusion , lengthening , palatalisation and order of acquisition of consonants , although this requires the test to be tape recorded and can be successfully completed only by someone with a sound knowledge of phonemic analysis .
2 Side by side with the suspicion that Masailand somehow emasculated its administrators , there grew up in East Africa a conviction that the proud Masai could be successfully handled only by the finest type of Englishman , whose qualities of honesty and good judgement they instinctively recognized and respected .
3 All members of the central team at Merrion House ( the Education Department 's offices ) were severely stretched in terms of both time and the range of roles they were expected to encompass , and it was therefore inevitable that some aspects of their job could be successfully accomplished only at the expense of others .
4 A more important question , however , is whether portfolio matrices can be sensibly applied only to such conglomerates .
5 MMRC and MCC decisions can be sensibly implemented only with the knowledge and good will of staff .
6 The policy of the 1870s was relaxed due to awareness of the hardship inflicted — those reduced to the extreme of applying for poor relief even in 1870 were those with no other resort , and their numbers could be further reduced only by increasing their hardship .
7 Hence the need to stress at the outset that Nizan 's adult development can be correctly understood only as a deep involvement in the communist party , a process of attraction-repulsion in which Nizan was both deeply committed to and deeply compromised by the party itself .
8 This generalization would of course be efficiently stated only by way of a certain interpreted equation .
9 It relies instead on a political theory about the legitimacy of private power and the conditions subject to which that power may be exercised : a theory that contends that power may be legitimately held only for the purpose of furthering the public good .
10 But those fertile cultural fields which are said to have been generated and sustained by this vitalizing flow of truly native experience turn out to be presently inhabited only by a " limited section " of the society .
11 If a given thing x is related to a given thing y , it is argued , this must be seen as having to do with the intrinsic nature of x , and the intrinsic nature of x can , in the final analysis , be fully understood only as a feature of the whole to which it and everything else belongs .
12 My argument is that this harmonious interpretation can be fully understood only by interpreting Dicey 's entire theory in the light of the ancient conception of the rule of law .
13 All these ideas , I shall argue , are structurally interdependent , and their meaning can be fully elucidated only by exploring their structural interconnectedness .
14 It is claimed that the meaning of existential assertions can be fully clarified only by clarifying the mode of being of the one who makes , and understands , such assertions .
15 Kant argued that the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity can be meaningfully drawn only in the domain of the phenomenal ; i.e. within the context of space and time , which , according to him , are the " forms of our intuition " and not properties of things in themselves .
16 Modelling will tend to mask small but important variations which may be adequately understood only by local research .
17 Toxoplasmic encephalitis can be definitely diagnosed only by histology or by isolation of T gondii organisms from brain biopsy material .
18 Moreover , the results have reinforced the belief that the general equilibrium effects are potentially important and can be safely ignored only in special circumstances ( this , we shall see , is even more true in the long-run models explored in the next Lecture ) .
19 It studies ‘ snapshots ’ of the successive positions , and so discovers specific points of contact with coincidentally present blocks ( such as D ) which will interrupt the fall that would have been predicted by a theoretical physicist from equations and measurements describing A and B. As in this case , many detailed relations between blocks are implicit in the diagrammatic representation which could be explicitly stated only with the greatest difficulty .
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