Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] or [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Teachers had to learn to accept children 's idiosyncratic ideas , even those which appeared to them to be wholly misconceived or ridiculous .
2 all material should be impeccably typed or printed , double spaced with at least 1½inch margins on either side
3 The tesserae would be further split or fragmented on site , as required .
4 In , on the other hand , can be both bound or free : indifferent ( bound ) , in the box ( free ) .
5 They may be unduly withdrawn or subdued .
6 If she fails at the substantive hearing , that will be because the court will then have decided that it would not be in [ J. 's ] best interest for his life to be artificially saved or prolonged .
7 The Group Theatre , as it name implied , was considered to be slightly advanced or progressive .
8 Once the functionality is established it is seen that geometric domains can be automatically generated or proposed geometric domains validated .
9 Unlike true appendages , processes of the body-wall are by no means invariably represented by embryonic counterparts ; they may or may not be segmentally arranged , they may be originally paired or unpaired , and more than a single pair is sometimes borne on a segment .
10 The ideas of problem solving appear to be well known or obvious , but most of us will be able to recall situations where we spent hours or days on a problem whose solution was ‘ obvious ’ once we found it .
11 The number of changes is too great to catalogue here , but one , in particular , is worthy of mention — liquid assets , which in some cases may be either fixed or current .
12 Forward contracts can be either fixed or optional .
13 The broad lines of advice had in fact already been established : the deflection of arterial traffic from built-up areas as far as practicable ; failing this , traffic should be either elevated or sunken when passing through urban areas ; vehicles , cyclists and pedestrians should be segregated on important traffic routes ; frontage access should be restricted ; fly-over crossings should be provided .
14 It is however impossible to eradicate the possibility of having a mentally handicapped child , and unlikely that parents will be either prepared or able to create such a perfect policy of prevention .
15 Over 1500 teeth were examined from pellet samples of adult birds from South Africa , Kenya and England , and none were found to be either digested or broken .
16 There was a glitter in his eyes , and Rostov realised that he was trying to manoeuvre Burun into a situation where he would be either hurt or embarrassed .
17 Although printed indexes tend to be either controlled or natural language , many large databases can now be searched in both ways .
18 However , it is certainly still possible to see many sets of standard terms which contain clauses which could well be either banned or subject to the reasonableness test under the Act .
19 And now the effort would be wasted , since its subject was in no condition to be either offended or amused .
20 With this objective in mind it has proposed that the system of interest subsidies , which the government introduced in 1984 , be either abolished or privatised .
21 REGULATED TENANCIES — these can be either protected or statutory .
22 ‘ These results demonstrate that detailed phonetic information about some of the segments in a word provides enough constraint , in general , that other segments can be completely obscured or ambiguous without significantly impairing recognition .
23 Instead there were no beggars on the city streets of either Pesth or Kinsai , and no one in any of the towns and villages through which he had passed seemed to be poorly clothed or underfed .
24 By section 2 of the Act the rule is confined to ‘ publications ’ ( as defined ) which create ‘ a substantial risk that the course of justice in the proceedings in question will be seriously impeded or prejudiced . ’
25 Adultery and illicit sex , sometimes necessary plot material , must not be explicitly treated or justified , or presented attractively .
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