Example sentences of "be [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bordered on three sides by palatial arcades , and faced on the other by the Basilica of St Mark , the huge square seemed to be the hub of Venice .
2 Part of the fascination of the old for the very young could be the sense of contact with a long-past world , half haunted .
3 It must be the change in air down there . ’
4 A JUDO black belt is to be the Church of England 's next Bishop of Europe .
5 Even if historians are specifically interested in form , it is likely to be the history of forms , or the development of styles which will have attracted their attention .
6 Indeed , in Trible 's case , unless one is a conservative Christian who believes the text to be the word of God ?
7 He had heard so many stories of musket balls lodging in Bibles , not of course that he really believed them , but all the same What he wanted to do now was to find some immoral passages with which to confront the Padre , thereby proving to him that this book could not possibly be the word of God ( unadulterated , anyway ) .
8 That was our experience under the previous Labour Government and would be the experience of Londoners if there were ever to be the misfortune of another Labour Government .
9 That may well be the experience in Japan , but it is a far cry from practice in most developed and developing countries .
10 If they fear that in calling for quiet , and seeking to ensure it where the subject declines to desist , they might themselves be the objects of violence , the offence is made out .
11 The call to forgiveness is a priority which needs constant attention , partly because in marriage the closer you get to each other the greater will be the likelihood of hurt .
12 An essential part of developing an effective multicultural curriculum will be the willingness of individuals to work within the field whilst being prepared to recognise that the mistakes they make will be the lessons for future teachers .
13 And on 23 September 1928 Ramsey was ordained deacon , to be the curate of St Nicholas , the parish church of Liverpool .
14 Some said that she was going to be the wife of Fahfakhs .
15 ‘ Whether we like it or not , we have to be the voice of Israel because in the Arab world radio stations are the representatives of the government , ’ said Mr Sehayek .
16 Television is held to be the voice of France , by the French , and abroad . ’
17 It might just be the voice of support at a meeting or the follow-up on a personal problem mentioned a few days ago .
18 It seemed to be the voice of Nottingham , obstinately unimpressed by the national fame of Lawrence .
19 Whereas Ian would be resourceful and brave , Barbara would be the voice of reason , relating their experiences in human terms .
20 I have to be the voice of industry within the Government , arguing the case for the needs of business , and I do .
21 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
22 For the next hour or more his will be the voice in command of Doctor Who , the one charged with the responsibility of turning words on a printed script into cans of videotape to be seen , weeks later , by the audience at home .
23 A further children 's book on gardening is worth noting here , Let's Go Gardening by Ursula Kruger ( Lutterworth , February , £9.95 , 0 7188 2879 8 ) , though portions of it seem to be the work of Wiggle the Worm and Sunny the Sunflower Seed .
24 And it might almost be the work of Graham McClintoch .
25 In Tripoli a bank raid was said to be the work of Tunisians .
26 Actual attacks on humans are rare so far and more likely to be the work of strays than of truly feral animals .
27 Like Rolle , Hilton sees prayer as the primary activity , recognising it as a state of consciousness which enables man to receive the gift of God ; and while it does not cause it to be given , nevertheless prayer is a way in which such grace comes ( c.24 ) He sharpens a constant awareness of two modes of activity in the inner life : that of conscious effort , and that of an effortless creative power of love and understanding which is sometimes experienced and believed by the mystics to be the work of God in man .
28 Secondary sources for A level essays will probably be the work of historians .
29 Well I do say that er this is merely an encouragement of the Greek Cypriot side , to continue in its er policy of to be the government of Cyprus at our expense .
30 I should be the Man of Destiny
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