Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 These alternatives will not always be available at short notice but it might be possible to plan for them .
2 There may be no alternative to leave-of-absence or annual leave but the nurse should be given the opportunity to resolve her difficulty by seeking the help of colleagues who may be prepared to substitute for her at short notice .
3 Daddy how much would you be prepared to spend for her , that I not How much would you , when you were little how much would you pay for .
4 Herbert , a 22-year-old Reading University history student , said : ‘ I wanted them to be prepared to die for it — and they nearly did . ’
5 Current levels of unemployment are relatively unimportant , hopefully some time down the line they will expect to get er as a relatively well paid job erm because agricultural incomes are so very low , you know , and urban incomes are relatively , relatively high , they may be prepared to wait for you know five or six years in the urban area , making what could be sort of a subsistence wage , simply because that 's all that they 're gon na be on anyway if they stay in the rural area , so if there is a higher probability of them getting a well paid job merely by being in the urban area making these contacts then they might as well move to the , to the urban area in the hope of some time in the future obtaining that er er an urban job .
6 The greater the supply of Treasury bills on offer by the Bank , the lower the price the discount houses will be prepared to pay for them , and hence the higher the rate of discount ( r ) they must receive .
7 But the Government has made it clear that if we want better water , we have to be prepared to pay for it .
8 As was discussed in the last chapter variations with exposure and intensity are approximately linear within certain bounds and it would be reasonable to correct for them by division .
9 ( Someone suffering property damage not exceeding £275 may , of course , be able to claim for it in negligence or under the implied terms in the Sale of Goods Act ) .
10 The hospital should therefore have sent the bill to the driver who will be able to claim for it
11 The Road Running Commission will have a chairman and secretary elected at the AGM , and most importantly , only road runners will be able to vote for them .
12 Er when you canvass , Oh you 're from focus , and they come out with those focus speak , so Frank , in the leaflet , oh he 's one of those , he 's he 's councillor so-and-so 's friend , we 'll be able to vote for him .
13 There are still things which your University may be able to do for you .
14 I shall only be able to weep for him at night , after Enid has fallen asleep .
15 H how would you go to somebody like that and say well yeah we , we 'll be able to negotiate for you better in the future and we might be able to get more er be better conditions of service than you 've got now but as of now you 're gon na be paying this much more in contributions .
16 Sorry we sha n't be able to call for you when we 're ready to make the arrest .
17 Social justice means that we deny ourselves many things so that others may have to do without them as well , or , what is the same thing , may not be able to ask for them .
18 We had to be able to invoice in a local currency and yet be able to account for it in sterling . ’
19 Another controversy which we hoped Ruby would be able to resolve for us was the issue of whether there was one species of hominid or two living on the African savannah three million years ago .
20 If you do need to travel in an emergency , perhaps other members of the family will be able to cover for you , or failing this you may have a friend or neighbour who will be able to take the puppy into their home until you return .
21 it will be able to interpret for them what these numbers mean in the middle bit .
22 Levi defines long-firm fraud as referring to businesses which order substantial quantities of goods on credit at a time when the owners of the business either intend not to pay for them or suspect that they will not be able to pay for them .
23 In business it is not uncommon for a seller ( X ) to sell large quantities of a commodity to a buyer ( Y Ltd. ) in the knowledge that Y Ltd. will be able to pay for them only out of the proceeds of re-selling them .
24 If I did not have a little bit in the bank I would not be able to pay for it all .
25 and Claire said to me oh well Labour if Labour get in we 'll get , we 'll get a , you know , we 'll be much better off , we 'll get a much better grant , er Jane goes but oh we 'll get , we 'll get every erm , my mum and dad will get loads of other things er dad , I wo n't be able to pay for it , I goes well no because you probably get , you get the housing benefit back
26 ‘ I 'll be happy to go for you , Mr Lawler .
27 We can be proud to work for him .
28 He will play for defending champions Kelburne tomorrow against DW Clydesdale and will be available to play for them at regular intervals throughout the second half of the season in addition to the finals of the European Club Championship in May .
29 If that 's what 's going to happen I 'd be pleased to work for you .
30 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that , in the debate on the autumn statement , it will be within the rules of order to constrast Government spending policies with the extravagant spending policies of the Opposition and to mention the taxes that will be necessary to pay for them ?
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