Example sentences of "be [verb] to have [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This Bill was gazetted only two months after the closure of one of Tanzania 's few private political newspapers — the last paper which could be considered to have been in open opposition to the Government .
2 The site in the Coln Valley could be expected to have been on much the same pattern , though a smaller scale .
3 " Employment on the railways as in other sections of the transport industry can not be said to have been of such a character as to fit in with the theory of labour aristocracy . "
4 At the same time as the area covered by the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher has been enlarged , the usefulness of the rule has been reduced by the unwillingness of the courts to apply it in circumstances where the defendant could not be said to have been at fault .
5 It is no longer , as it were , a global political programme , as it may be said to have been in the 19th and earlier 20th centuries .
6 Moreover , the sexual aspect of the offence can not be said to have been in any sense downgraded .
7 These were all advantages accruing to the defendants which can fairly be said to have been in consideration of their undertaking to pay the additional £10,300 .
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