Example sentences of "be [verb] which [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
2 The argue that if the environment is to be properly safeguarded policies must be formulated which will encourage favourable ongoing management .
3 We want a new union to be formed which will represent the interests of everyone .
4 In the existing conditions of financial crisis , it was essential for a government to be formed which could ensure a parliamentary majority in support of the economy measures so that they could pass the Commons .
5 This loneliness then tends to be misdiagnosed as depression and medications may be prescribed which may make the disease even worse .
6 Considering that there ate 168 hours in each week , it becomes quite obvious that it is unlikely that staffing rosters could be arranged which would permit the employment of full-time staff only .
7 As I argued in Chapter 5 , I am doubtful both whether such a condition really occurs at all , and whether , if it were to exist , drugs are ever likely to be developed which can help it .
8 If we accept the ‘ three es ’ definition of VFM — economy , efficiency and effectiveness , — then financial information systems need to be developed which will promote ‘ efficiency ’ and ‘ effectiveness ’ in addition to economy .
9 Cheap tests will be developed which will allow everyone to be tested for the variants of genes determining psychiatric ailments or psychic qualities outside the doctor 's office .
10 For example , some crime was to be committed which would bring upon the Old Navigator , as Coleridge afterwards delighted to call him , the spectral persecution … and his own wanderings .
11 These include the effect on exports from the UK , and regional unemployment , as well as a ‘ catch-all ’ gateway ( b ) : restrictions may be permitted which would confer on the public as purchasers , consumers or users of any goods or services , other specific and substantial benefits or advantages enjoyed or likely to be enjoyed by them as such .
12 Fortunately , the VAX command DIR/FULL gives enough information to allow a FORTRAN program to be written which can read the data block by block , and then replace the arc coordinates by randomized values drawn from some appropriate probability distribution .
13 The findings indicated there was probably no major savings in efficiency to be made which would produce a commercial charge more than the present public authority cost .
14 Yet it was quite impossible , constitutionally , for any amendment to be made which would allow the resolution to get almost unanimous support .
15 Until now nobody knew how the parasites were killed , but if Clark 's idea is correct , and can be shown to operate in humans , a new generation of anti-malarials could be made which would kill parasites inside the red blood cells by local production of free radicals .
16 Statements must not be made which may mislead shareholders or the market .
17 From the experience of material relations an abstraction to ideas can be made which will constitute knowledge of the world .
18 It is fairly clear from the discussion above that , whatever the type of managerial utility " function assumed , some controls may be imposed which can improve performance .
19 However , since the court held that a requirement that the crew reside on shore in the member state in question was not related to the aim of the quota system , no reason can be seen which might induce the court to take the view that residence and domicile requirements imposed on all owners and operators of fishing vessels and on 75 per cent .
20 We are in close touch with our allies on this matter to see the ways by which assistance can perhaps be given , and contracts can be placed , for valuable work to be done which would occupy such scientists , in addition to the part that they might also play more directly in some of the work involved in the dismantling and disabling programme of that massive nuclear arsenal .
21 This is cold-blooded business indeed , just as was the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that gave Britain 's support to a Jewish homeland providing that ‘ nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine ’ .
22 Another said , ‘ The way I look at it , it 's too late now ; there 's nothing can be done which can put the clock back ; let's see what we can do to help the victim ’ ( FN 6/11/87 , p. 35 ) .
23 However , when confronted with a new product or a new problem , there are a number of things to be done which could help you find the right answer :
24 Evidence will be collected which will allow the relationship between landscape and the control of land to be monitored over time , providing the statutory bodies concerned with conservation of the landscape with a better means of influencing change .
25 As he knows , I have to decide whether his application comes within the Standing Order and , if so , whether a debate should be granted which would take precedence over the business set down for today or tomorrow .
26 Alternatively , an ordinary forward facing child car seat can be used which must conform to either BS 3254 or ECE 44 .
27 Will future agriculture and pastoral technologies be induced which will protect fragile and/or eroded environments or compensate land users for productivity decline due to environmental degradation ?
28 He also expressed optimism that an acceptable constitutional arrangement could be agreed which would obviate the need for Quebec to seek independence .
29 The Council suggested the need for independent ‘ unified ’ research to ascertain the size and scope of the heroin problem , as they feared that otherwise a number of ‘ in-house ’ research papers would be produced which would lack coordination and the necessary overview .
30 Above all , actions must be avoided which would serve to solidify the disintegrating Unionist ranks — all irresponsible adventures , anything which could be construed as provocation .
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