Example sentences of "be [verb] on [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Only five survivors of Woking 's 1990-91 heroes are expected to feature tonight — Buzaglo , Mark Biggins , Trevor Baron and Wye brothers Shane and Lloyd — but they will be roared on by a 6,000 capacity crowd .
2 Anyhow , whatever it was , maybe a little , as Jan says , he also had a f a bad flu bug at a bad time anyhow he crashed out of the computer science course and he announced that he was only regarding the computer science course as being a stepping stone to being a teacher so the sensible thing to do would be to go on to the teacher training course at Lancashire , an education course , cos that 's what he wanted to do .
3 This mucus capsule swells rapidly on contact with water , protecting the egg from abrasion and fungal infection , while the outermost layer enables the eggs to be fastened on to a plant .
4 A case involving a murder charge would be referred on to a Crown court .
5 It drowned the roar of the waves which she knew would be crashing on to the beach in impotent and seemingly endless fury .
6 But while County are tipped to go up this time , Francis could be stepping on to a bigger stage before next spring .
7 But trampolining wo n't be catching on with the other animals .
8 His objective had to be to drive on through the tumult and horror as best they could , not to get involved with individuals or groups , not to be sidetracked , so as to reach that further side , there to turn and repeat the dire process , difficult as this must be .
9 He was relying on the earlier case of Nichol v Martyn [ 1799 ] 2 Esp 732 , but in Wessex Dairies Ltd v Smith [ 1935 ] 2 KB 80 Maugham LJ cast doubt on both those judgments and so far as the modern law is concerned they should not be relied on to the extent that they indicate the employee can canvass or issue circulars to customers of his employer before he leaves .
10 From the safety angle , the Bosch tacker will not fire if picked up by the trigger — the nose must be pressed on to a surface for firing .
11 I will definitely be hanging on to the sweat-stained handkerchief that Tom Jones tossed to my mother back in the Sixties .
12 ‘ At the moment the bill looks likely to receive the royal assent in early April , so if the election is later than that then we will be pressing on with the plans .
13 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
14 something to be dropped on from a great height as frequently as possible er particularly if it 's the G L C. In the United States , however much the federal government is irritated by the state government , it can not attack its constitutional powers nor can it undermine its financial base so that 's a different relationship , it 's a relationship based , not on dominance , but on partnership and there has to be an understanding , a trade off between federal and er a and state government .
15 The draft constitution , to be voted on in the April referendum , would reduce the legislature to a single , bicameral body ; specify the supremacy of federal law over that of constituent republics ; and retain the President as " head of state and the highest executive in Russia " .
16 ‘ I would prefer the portfolio of the shadow Scottish secretary to be voted on by the Scottish group and the Scottish party . ’
17 ‘ In the long-run I 'd like to be looked on as a composer rather than a stick player .
18 Building extends the grammar , by correlation ; but it can also be looked on as a way of extending the vocabulary of the learner .
19 It can be looked on as a discussion document and its coincidence with the real world is verified in discussions with the various users .
20 If I make a few constructive points , it will be looked on as a Liverpudlian poking his nose in .
21 The tale of how an astute Cornish furze-cutter came to be founder of one of the great landed families of Cornwall , with one of the County 's most famed stately homes , could be looked on as an ideal example of Thatcherite-style enterprise and self-help .
22 The absence of CD4 binding by the MicroGeneSys gp160 vaccine may therefore be looked on as an added safety feature .
23 The naive inductivist account of science , which I will outline in the following sections , can be looked on as an attempt to formalize this popular picture of science .
24 For this reason , it should not be looked on as an end user language .
25 But it 's strange to think that the day 's not so far away when players like Robert Cray , Bonnie Raitt and Jimmie Vaughan , for so long representatives of the new American blues generation , will themselves be looked on as the elders of the blues .
26 In an important sense , Hugh may almost be looked on as the instigator of the Investiture decree of 1078 , for he had gone to Rome for his episcopal consecration four years earlier in order to avoid contact with a secular ruler , who claimed the right both to nominate and to invest his nominee in his episcopal office .
27 Can I make a suggestion rather than re-numbering all those , its going to be quite a long job , is that from what I can see at the moment there is no reason why that ca n't be added on as a last sentence to nine anyway , cause nine says you records the outcome of the enquiry , .
28 My Working Group recommended that knowledge about language should be an integral part of work in English , not a separate body of knowledge to be added on to the traditional English curriculum .
29 Articles 100 and 235 of the Treaty of Rome provide a mechanism whereby the amassment of power by the Community may be carried on as a continuous process .
30 This will be the case where they are brought under common control or ownership or when one of the enterprises ceases to be carried on as a result of an agreement between the enterprises to prevent competition .
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