Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Occasional breaks in routine were available , to be undertaken either as a sign of enthusiasm , or as a momentary release from tedium .
2 The trace-element fractionations can not , however , be explained simply as the product of small degrees of partial melting in areas of thicker lithosphere .
3 But whereas such poems are rare in earlier periods , in twelfth-century Europe they multiply so explosively that the phenomenon can not be explained merely as the reflection of a greater number of extant manuscripts .
4 The world has always looked to Britain for stability , inventiveness and general mental agility , yet our National Prestige is low , our currency is less than one third of its immediate post-war value against the dollar and can not be explained entirely as a result of market speculation .
5 Within this model forces of determination are centripetal and linear ; all forms can be dismissed ultimately as the products of bourgeois ideology .
6 Inevitably , however , the teacher-training target had to be adjusted downwards as the DES successively announced cuts in teacher-training provision in England and Wales before , in July 1977 , it finally settled on 2,900 places .
7 As this will be Remembrance Sunday trains will be stopped briefly as a mark of respect and while a short ceremony and two minutes silence are observed at 11 am .
8 It should not be regarded simply as a means of preventing change ’ .
9 This might be regarded either as a kind of dune slack or as a type of poor fen .
10 As these examples show , a particular phenomenon ( e.g. , the window breaking ) can be regarded either as an event , or as the subject-matter of a conclusion .
11 By s.5(2) : [ w ] here property is subject to a trust , the persons to whom it belongs shall be regarded as including any person having a right to enforce the trust , and an intention to defeat the trust shall be regarded accordingly as an intention to deprive of the property any person having that right .
12 By s.5(4) : [ w ] here a person gets property by another 's mistake and is under an obligation to make restoration ( in whole or in part ) of the property or its proceeds or the value thereof , then to the extent of that obligation the property or proceeds shall be regarded ( as against him ) as belonging to the person entitled to restoration , and an intention not to make restoration shall be regarded accordingly as an intention to deprive that person of the property or proceeds .
13 Khafji was reported to have been retaken on Jan. 30 , and allied military briefings emphasised that this should be regarded principally as a victory for Saudi units in the coalition .
14 Consequently , whereas computer networks used to be regarded primarily as a way of sharing expensive equipment — for instance , by hooking several sites up to a single mainframe — now the emphasis is increasingly on the sharing of information .
15 It is essential , and research funding should be regarded both as a priority and as a necessary complement to the current expansion in primary teacher training .
16 Even after the success of Far From the Madding Crowd Hardy was reluctant to be regarded solely as a writer of rural stories .
17 The increasing affluence of the rural population wrought by the urban middle-class exodus has tended to mask the continuing and severe pockets of poverty which exist in the countryside and has led the ‘ problem ’ of rural housing to be regarded less as a problem of social welfare and more as an issue concerning land use planning and countryside preservation .
18 The second better suits such cases as the complete works of a given author , which might be regarded simultaneously as a single text in its own right and as a series of independent texts .
19 We can also see that Socrates himself can not be regarded merely as an agent of destruction , despite the immediate responsibility of the Socratic impulse for the dissolution of tragedy .
20 In the words of the circular issued by the Ministry of Health ( 1961 ) : ‘ Attempted suicide is in the future to be regarded entirely as a medical and social problem … .
21 It was clearly felt that PAF should be regarded entirely as an automatic fee in recognition of a teacher qualified and belonging to a professional Society .
22 The board can also be used for incline/decline work with barbells and dumb-bells , and does not have to be regarded only as a piece of equipment for exercising the stomach .
23 At the level of the Governor of the state to which that city belongs , the riot will be regarded only as a nuisance ; above that the king or the premier will hardly be aware of it at all , and to the whole world , it will be trivial .
24 But Living Wills should be regarded only as a general indication of our wishes .
25 If the document is to be regarded technically as a matter of law , as a codicil , of course it need not contain any appointment of executors , but the position still is that when it was signed by Mr. Winterbone it did not contain any effective disposition at all .
26 Under British and West German pressure , however , ministers agreed that even this requirement should be regarded more as a ‘ political objective ’ than a legal obligation ( the non-respect of which would lead to prosecution in the EC Court of Justice ) .
27 However , a devaluation of the domestic currency came to be regarded almost as a sign of failure by countries facing permanent imbalance , and so was avoided for as long as possible .
28 If we believe that the child should be placed transracially as an alternative to institutional care , then social workers must resist the massive denial or evasion of the negative consequences of some transracial placements for black children when the substitute parents have not been prepared or perhaps are very unsuitable to care for a black child .
29 The person to whom the income is payable under the disposition and the person who has made the disposition are to be treated notionally as a single taxpayer .
30 As noted above , the welfare effects of price discrimination can be positive , and it should not be treated automatically as an abuse of a dominant position .
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