Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But do n't forget to start thinking about ways you could expand , where you would n't be competing directly with other outlets like that department store . ’
2 Cica will not be competing directly with top-of-the-range brands such as Reebok and Nike as it will not ‘ be making specific performance claims ’ and will be ‘ better value for money ’ , says Linford .
3 New service developments had to be undertaken frequently with insufficient legal backing which rendered their financial basis rather insecure .
4 And if you 're building a long flight , it can always be broken up with separate landings , either where the flight changes direction , or just for a change of pace .
5 The slick as a whole is too large to be broken up with chemical dispersal agents , which in any case can have damaging effects on marine life , particularly fish .
6 Was it possible for the corpse to have been so treated , with the ‘ hollownesse ’ of every bone to be filled up with solid lead ?
7 The scratches could be filled in with wood-filler and stained to match , and then the veneer cleaned with wire wool and vinegar , he decided .
8 When building timber steps , these treads can be filled in with compacted soil , finishing off with bark chippings .
9 Those who delight in complexities and wish to pursue the matter further will find a number of adequate textbooks and sources of information which will be pointed out with fiendish delight by any qualified librarian , since he has had to run the whole gamut in preparing for his examinations .
10 Fixed parts should be painted liberally with cold oven cleaner gel and left to stand .
11 Sometimes the Pemberton Musks are listed separately , sometimes they may be listed in with Modern Shrub Roses as well as Hybrid Musks , or they may be listed in with it , which is all very confusing .
12 Ford plans for the system to operate across Europe , but before this can happen complete digital mapping of all the countries concerned needs to be completed along with guaranteed transmission success from cars .
13 In that case the net must be gathered up with extreme care , since care taken now will mean the net can be set that much more easily at the next site .
14 Some libraries want their own library group others are quite happy to be joined in with one or more libraries within the adjoining group and the constitution does in fact provide that investment wish what we have n't said what those who should be at maximum membership membership and to their claim will common sense not to make it too large otherwise it might turn out to be more than than sensible discussion among a reasonable amount of people but this but then to decide that equally to encourage them to ah find ways and means of the public other than library users who will be represented on the committee and to that .
15 In about ten minutes time we 'll be catching up with all the local football league results .
16 Welcome back … in a few minutes we 'll be catching up with one of the fastest men on water …
17 The guardian ad litem recommended a care order and that L. should be placed permanently with another family .
18 While a number of such problems can be treated successfully with deep-acting remedies or hypnotherapy , there are occasions when these can not reach deeply enough into the patient 's core .
19 Other fungal infections ( eg between the toes ) should be treated simultaneously with appropriate creams .
20 You 'll be hanging off with that
21 Sometimes activities would be arranged jointly with other branches , so that there would be new occasions for gossip and flirting .
22 He rates their subtlety , but points out that they can be mixed only with warm sauces or , he warns , they start to lose their delicacy .
23 No money from any of the manager 's other interests could be mixed in with this account , and the manager should not be allowed to borrow money from it .
24 In common with other organs in the body , the metabolic activity of the liver is affectd by increasing age and prescription of all medication should be considered carefully with this in mind .
25 This is a beautifully crafted , intimate object to be considered often with careful hands .
26 He said but she 'd be considered along with all the others but she ai n't gon na get a job with terminal full time when her contract runs out on May the eighteenth if she does n't get her finger out and get dr driving test passed and buy herself a car .
27 Addiction to ( rather than simple excessive use of caffeine and nicotine can be considered along with other addictive drugs .
28 The guidance that we give below , under six headings , is therefore to be considered together with all the statutory and other rules and recommendations set out by Parliament , or in the 1991 guide , which takes the form of a practice direction as to costs in criminal proceedings , and which also includes , at appendix 3 , the formal Practice Direction of 3 May 1991 as to costs in criminal proceedings : Practice Direction ( Crime : Costs ) [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 498 .
29 But , if at the same time as the warrant is issued the issuer undertakes to redeem it , the agreement to redeem the warrant should be considered together with that for the issue of the warrant itself .
30 • Fruit that 's sharp can be sweetened up with artificial sweetener or sprinkle cinnamon on grapefruit instead of sugar .
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