Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] them at " in BNC.

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1 There are fewer generally accepted criteria about what environmental adaptations are necessary or desirable for pupils with problems in seeing and some debate as to whether any special attention needs to be given to them at all .
2 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
3 ‘ She 'll want to take a look at those eyes of yours , whether anything can be done about them at the moment or not , and even if it is Boxing Day . ’
4 Havelock Wilson who had , of course , been among those leaders to whom Larkin 's vituperation had been particularly directed , reserved his regrets for the oppressed people of Ireland whose cause had been so ill served by the " blunders and follies " of Larkin who " had such a splendid case , but made such a sorry mess of it , doing everything he ought not to have done and nothing that he ought to " and bringing , by his defeat , comfort to the Irish employers who had nothing good to be said for them at all .
5 Snell has suggested that this sense of right was sufficiently marked to make expectations from the Poor Law part of the " moral economy " which Edward Thompson has applied to the poor 's expectation that corn would be sold to them at " just " prices .
6 court of appeal decision : unfavourable medical reports obtained confidentially by a plaintiff for the purposes of personal injury litigation which were inadvertently disclosed on discovery to the defendant could be used by them at the trial .
7 ‘ Those altar candles we pay so much for , we seem to be getting through them at a fair old rate .
8 The take or place booking means that the client will be offered a room if there has been a ‘ no show ’ or cancellation , and failing that accommodation will be found for them at a comparable hotel , usually within the same chain of hotels .
9 Many secretaries of state are not particular admirers of their junior ministers and do not care for the department to be represented by them at OD .
10 It would be taken with them at any age and would contain :
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