Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A waterfall does not have to be prefabricated to be successful and in certain circumstances it is desirable that it is not so .
2 The other girls could be forgiven for being depressed — after all , they were facing a racing dynamo , who seemed indestructible , regardless of weather conditions .
3 I do n't think so when I went to let him in he 'd pulled himself up round the patio and looked as though he expected to be walloped for being silly he 's taken us this morning .
4 We can therefore approximate the IRR for Project A as follows : By similar analysis the IRR for Project B can be calculated to be 20.5 per cent .
5 Erm y'know those kinds of things er tend to be tend to be effective .
6 and that obviously they would be tend to be other children with mother 's there so they would need perhaps a play facility there and other children who goes to the E N T clinic can go to the not just go to the outpatients casualty
7 Because of the other legislative provisions dealing with repayment of various taxes it seems in any event that the number of cases where any principle of common law would need to be relied on is likely to be small .
8 Clearly , the originators of the major schemes can not be criticized for being ignorant of principles which were not recognized when their schemes were initiated .
9 And of course sometimes during this apprenticeship Boy knew that what he really wanted was not to be taught to be one of us , not to be taught how to be a man at all , but to be reassured that he might somehow remain a boy forever .
10 The standard to which the work would have to be developed to be attractive to a commercial publisher involves a great deal of further work .
11 Mr Thompson said that groups such as the GAA , Masonic lodges , playgroups , golf clubs and many other organisations could be clamouring to be first on the list for the new free service .
12 Lastly , it is worth pointing out that that presence in the territory of the country of establishment must be intended to be permanent , or at least of an indefinite duration , because if that were not the case there would be no distinction between establishment and the supply of services .
13 ‘ People have suggested that I will be attacked for being homophobic for going into Hoover 's sex life in such detail , ’ Summers says .
14 He believes ‘ That all individuals should be considered to be good , worthwhile and honest until he or she proves to the contrary ’ , It is a sentiment that still today remains his guiding light , and he would add that ‘ All things are possible through God ’ .
15 They can therefore be considered to be close to the community they serve and have the potential to be advocates for the health needs of patients .
16 Such an abnormality might be considered to be insufficient to explain the severity and chronicity of symptoms , however , involvement of widespread areas of the intestine including the colon have been described in cryptosporidiosis and the extent of the enteropathy may be an important factor in these cases .
17 On the other hand , none of these items can be considered to be collective consumption , as are roads and street lighting , for example .
18 No justification therefore exists for treating subfertile women with contraceptive drugs , and the endometriosis should be considered to be coincidental unless it has caused tubal and ovarian damage that requires repair .
19 Some of these causes fall into an ‘ organic ’ category , such as delayed maturation , heredity , or age of the child , while others can be considered to be emotional in origin , for example parents ' management method , stress and disturbance in the family .
20 The activity of the solvent can be considered to be equal to the mole fraction of the solvent x 1 .
21 Panov then took the initial solution to be the totally general solution of Szekeres ( 1972 ) , which can be considered to be equivalent to the general solution given here by ( 10.16 ) .
22 If the pages of press coverage , including a Times leader , were anything to go by , the Granada 500 could be considered to be one of the most prestigious and important election programmes of this campaign .
23 The relevant indifference curve may be considered to be that of a ‘ representative voter ’ .
24 The gyroscopes associated with Artifical Horizons are subject to errors both in turns and during fore-and-aft acceleration , but for all practical purposes may be considered to be unaffected by the normal manoeuvres experienced in airline operations .
25 This account of the functioning of the family in modern industrial society may be considered to be defective in a variety of respects .
26 Land reform is one of the crucial ( and most controversial ) matters facing the newly elected Hungarian parliament and present law must be considered to be ephemeral .
27 Recent reports have argued that the presence of ectopic endometrium may be physiological and should be considered to be pathological only if associated with symptoms or signs of progression and tissue damage .
28 Alternatively , all three persons , programmer , database developer and user , might be considered to be joint authors .
29 There is no cut-off point above which ‘ churning ’ may be considered to be unacceptable , so clients have to watch their portfolios carefully .
30 Having suggested that the 1960s were characterised by a series of discrete panics around moral issues , there is neither an account — other than an essentially economistic one — of the aetiology of such panics , nor an explanation of the way(s) in which they can be considered to be discrete .
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