Example sentences of "with an [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter is primarily concerned with an approach to the care of overdose patients which is brief and focused on helping the patient to solve his own problems .
2 As suggested in section 10.5 , insertion of resistance in series with the capacitance C limits the closed-loop gain at high frequencies that satisfy and if the closed-loop Bode plot is like that of with an approach to the open-loop plot at 6 dB per octave , the amplifier is likely to be stable .
3 Working for patients proposes that regions , and eventually districts , will be funded on a weighted per capita basis ( with an allowance to the Thames regions for higher prices in London ) .
4 The wide river narrowed abruptly with a notice on our left saying DANGER in huge letters , and a smaller notice saying LOCK with an arrow to the right .
5 His most important work , St Peter 's Leeds ( 1837–41 ) , a rebuilding of the town 's old parish church , was one of the key ecclesiastical projects of the 1830s , a landmark in both the scholarly revival of the Gothic style and the High Church revival of Anglican Christianity , in which an accurate use of Perpendicular Gothic detail was combined with an approximation to a medieval plan-form , complete with a fully developed chancel .
6 Like much of Penwith it has a powerful ethos which refuses to be submerged by the modern world ; the countryside is littered with artefacts spanning the centuries , from megalithic chamber tombs to nineteenth-century mine workings , and only the moron can escape a sense of continuity with an obligation to the past .
7 Here the sequence begins with an instruction to a typical Californian housewife ( typical in all but name , that is ) , Oedipa Maas , to execute the will of a dead tycoon .
8 Many feminists adopt more variable programmes , which combine analysis of discourses , with an address to the unconscious .
9 But while the Europeans were prepared to go along with an ultimatum to the Serbs that threatened bombing if there were more belligerency , they would not countenance lifting the arms embargo , which they believe would do more harm than good .
10 The Press first used computer methods to assist typesetting in 1970 , beginning with An Index to the Indo Aryan Language produced from an IBM computer in London University and using the Photon Lumizip 901 typesetter of Computaprint Limited .
11 The fact that families when one woman in six retires with an entitlement to a full basic pension , based on her own level of payments , speaks volumes .
12 Once you have got a favourable response , you follow through with an invitation to a social event .
13 Barely two weeks after the Jarama carnage , Franco launched what was to be the last Nationalist attempt to take Madrid , with an attack to the north-east of the city , in the province of Guadalajara .
14 Evacuation of basin sediments is primarily by rivers for basins with an outlet to the ocean ( such as the Zaire Basin ) but wind action is important in enclosed basins ( such as the Kalahari Basin ) ( Fig. 4.1 ) .
15 He discovered soon after his return to the city that she had refused two offers of marriage — one from a wealthy suitor — on the strength of the promise made to him at Bath , and that she continued to love him ‘ with an affection to the ardor of which my Deserts bear no proportion ’ .
16 Sold for £110,000 at Phillips in 1991 with an attribution to the workshop of Ugolino di Nerio and an estimate of less than £20,000 , Gentile da Fabriano 's ‘ Crucifixion ’ is now on sale at Agnew 's .
17 An exhaustive Teacher 's Book with an introduction to the methodology and step by step lesson plans
18 This chapter is concerned , with the practice and procedure of appeals from courts and the appellate tribunals , and , with an introduction to the general objectives of appeals in civil cases .
19 6 gives an account of the classical statistical theories of rubber elasticity and polymer solutions and concludes with an introduction to the recent tube or tunnel theories of polymers associated with the names of de Gennes and of Edwards .
20 It 's important to start the campaign off with an introduction to the Council Tax followed by more specialised themes such as discounts .
21 The first-year course provides students with an introduction to the main areas of contemporary experimental psychology .
22 The seminar began with an introduction to the thinking behind the general SVQs in business administration , and an update on the feedback received on these awards so far .
23 The chapter opens with an introduction to the semiclassical theory of light-atom interactions and optical resonators .
24 The first year History course provides pupils with an introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary for a balanced understanding of the emergence of early modern societies , a knowledge of continuity and change in Medieval Europe and an awareness of the heritage which has contributed to the world in which pupils grow up .
25 It provides us with an appeal to a constituency the Tories have been allowed to monopolise .
26 Phillis 's description of land meets Sylvanus 's sexual imagery with an appeal to the myth of Ceres ; she sees the land within a pattern of traditional relations which Sylvanus would usurp .
27 He goes on to support this with an appeal to the testator 's intention , but it is a relatively modest one .
28 An appeal to the Bible could be countered with an appeal to the Koran , and an appeal to the verification of the Christian claim in the lives of believing Christians could be countered with an appeal to the verification of the Muslim claim in the lives of believing Muslims .
29 An appeal to the Bible could be countered with an appeal to the Koran , and an appeal to the verification of the Christian claim in the lives of believing Christians could be countered with an appeal to the verification of the Muslim claim in the lives of believing Muslims .
30 ( 8 ) with an appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law .
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