Example sentences of "with a [noun sg] for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Garnett also sells an induction hopper with a basket for dealing with bags of powders .
2 Sufferers of the crippling condition known as Repetitive Strain Injury are furious with a judge for saying there 's no such thing .
3 Users should be provided with a facility for comparing screen images of two text sources side by side .
4 Her parents ran a smallholding which they combined with a facility for boarding dogs while their owners went away on holiday .
5 There is a lounge with a TV for relaxing during the evenings .
6 In April 1989 , Shaughnessy learned from a colleague that Juval Aviv , an Israeli-American investigator with a reputation for getting results , had told him that some of his contacts in the intelligence community had important information about the crash of Flight 103 .
7 Betty Jackson is one of the most respected and successful designers in Britain , with a reputation for producing stylish , comfortable and versatile clothes .
8 CHANNEL 4 , the TV station with a reputation for producing the eccentric and bizarre , would carry on doing ‘ mad things ’ , chief executive Michael Grade said yesterday .
9 Essentially the Post charged that in a 1984 report , Mike Hoover , a freelance news cameraman with a reputation for providing theatrical footage , recreated scenes of Afghan rebels sabotaging electricity pylons — days after the real action had taken place .
10 Thus a boy with a reputation for challenging the authority of his teacher in school , or with a record of resisting the restraints of the police , might find it easier to be accepted in the aggro-leader role .
11 All members are skilled craftsmen and women , who have the back up of old established Association with a reputation for having members who do goo work at a fair price .
12 A veteran New York dealer with a reputation for having always sensed the latest in art movements is making an offer to the Vatican .
13 for most of his life he has been stuck with a reputation for finding the Goons funny , but nothing since that era .
14 This time she would have to get past one of Australia 's toughest talent spotters , a woman with a reputation for making or breaking young stars .
15 Care should be taken to buy from a breeder with a reputation for breeding good temperaments
16 ‘ If I may say so , ’ she told him , ‘ you appear to be a man with a weakness for making judgements on very little evidence . ’
17 Such a record should include the educational objectives for the post together with a system for recording whether these have been achieved and applied .
18 And I think that whereas erm we would not necessarily argue with a case for providing criteria at a strategic plan at a structure plan level erm to put some flesh on what is meant and maybe clarify some of the explanatory memorandum in a more positive way , simply should ensure that the policy does not dilute , sorry that whatever changes emerge , does not dilute the mode intention of the policy .
19 The administrative civil servant may operate within a legal culture with a concern for following regulations and statutes .
20 Attracting people to apply for posts in an organisation requires more than placing appealing advertisements in local news.papers , although that also is important , It requires the involvement of more than one or two members of staff with a responsibility for promoting the image of nursing .
21 But behind her is a galley that can burn her down to the waterline , and beside her is Crackbene with a genius for sailing and guns he has hardly used yet .
22 Almost immediately I ran across the news that the French telephone monopoly , PTT , is well on the way with a scheme for putting all the phone numbers in France into a computer that a subscriber will be able to communicate with from a terminal that is connected to his instrument .
23 A ploughman with a knack for handling horses could establish himself as a virtual NCO above the lower ranks on the land .
24 OTIS GRAND A guitarist with a knack for recreating the excitement of vintage big band blues …
25 ‘ I think that 's probably John 's strongest talent , to pull the extra out of you , combined with a knack for putting people together .
26 You feel a bit dozy and dull this month , with a propensity for lying on your back in the sun , dreaming of bygone days .
27 She enjoyed attending to the whitewashed chapel where compulsory prayers were conducted three times a day and did not feel ill-used when Mrs Prynn chastised her with a whip for letting slip a blasphemy or lying abed longer than she ought .
28 Eastern Europe can not draw on the deep pockets of the German taxpayer ; the danger of being landed with a bill for remedying sites there is a big deterrent to foreign investors .
29 The distinction which each of these writers make between forms of the state provide the normativist with a justification for viewing the positive state as a degenerate form .
30 He had met Mr George Singleton two years ago in Petticoat Lane , at a stall that sold knick-knacks , bits and pieces , and other oddments that appealed to people with a passion for collecting things , particularly things that had belonged — or might have belonged — to a figure of history .
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