Example sentences of "with a [noun] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 On June 10 , 1990 , the right-wing Confederation for an Independent Poland ( KPN ) ended a two-day annual conference with a warning that Poland was on the verge of a major social explosion as a result of economic reform .
2 This was dated 11 June 1747 and was for Tilberthwaite , with a requirement that Sir John would also have a key of the mine storehouse , with free access .
3 Christianity got me young and inculcated me with fear of devils , and with guilt , and with a notion that God spied on me always , and that I was a worthless shit because Jesus had been killed .
4 ‘ Just act as you usually do when you have to visit the privy , ’ he had instructed , with a grin that Isabel could only describe as fiendish .
5 The stranger smiled , still rather gravely but with a warmth that Charlotte found reassuring .
6 His daughter and her fiance are left on stage , where they confirm their love for each other with a poetry that Eliot would have once found impossible to write :
7 Ramsey ended the week with a conviction that Temple 's quiet explanation of a Christian philosophy of life was the right way to expound Christianity in modern society and that the emotional popular mission was the wrong way because it appealed to the wrong emotions .
8 He possessed a little book of private prayers , with an image of himself kneeling before Christ on the cross captioned with a prayer that Christ " absolve my wounds for me " — a reference to sins which also likened the king 's sufferings to Christ 's .
9 And then she saw with a shock that Jan was back .
10 ‘ That was for you ; this is for us , ’ he murmured indistinctly and took her mouth , exploring it with a passion that Paige returned twofold , arousing a mutual need for satisfaction .
11 The eyes widened , the mouth opened to form a smile , and then a gaping O , and then with a cry that Bernice heard in her mind rather than with her ears the nose and chin split in a vertical line , the eyes moved apart , and the entire face divided in two .
12 The corridor that led from the transmat booth had a tiled floor , and plastered walls covered with a mural that Bernice felt she might be able to understand after three or four big glasses of strong rum .
13 Edward said , turning his august profile with a politeness that Emily did n't believe necessarily to be lasting .
14 Faye broke out rebelliously , with a negativity that Belinda had not seen in her for months .
15 The possibility of increased dollar receipts was coupled with a belief that Africa could be a strategic centre for British power , untainted by the nationalism which had eroded British power in Asia .
16 Lissa 's mouth shaped her distaste , and she put her cup down and realised with a start that Adam was saying something .
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