Example sentences of "with and [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Echoing Kant , he insisted that any properly objective enquiry could not impose on its material methods worked out in advance or in relation to some other topic ; only within the context of encounter with and experience of the object itself could it discover how to speak of it and enquire into it .
2 Jimmy carters relationship with and feelings towards the Shah were , it must be said ambiguous .
3 He revealed that the poet 's connection with and knowledge of the primitive were only beginnings and not ends in themselves .
4 If it affects more than one function , the decision must be taken by a manager senior enough to provide consultation with and cooperation with the other functions affected by the business .
5 Not only would the Nordic states have to reconsider what their relationships would be to the EEC , they , and especially Denmark and Norway , would be particularly interested in Britain 's relationship with and attitude towards the new organisation .
6 The move will create a world class source of environmental consultancy and technical services , dovetailing with and building on the collaborative work AEA already operates successfully with Warren Spring .
7 Scientists even begin to express openly their discontent with and unease over the reigning paradigm .
8 In practice , however , it is often difficult to disentangle the two : the choice , use and interpretation of a method are all associated with and contingent upon the object in question .
9 Let me say I believed that the wrongs of women were interconnected with and subsidiary to the wrongs of man ; that to work for the revolution was to work , indirectly , for women .
10 The presence of a rich hoard of Roman silver and Roman pottery of the Flavian period shows the strength of the tribe 's alliance with and compliance with the dictates of Rome .
11 In the two volumes of The Theory of Communicative Action ( 1984 ; 1987a ) , Habermas reviews the nature of rationality and modernity through a series of dialogues with and reflections on the work of major social theorists — Marx , Weber , Durkheim , Mead , Lukács , Horkheimer , Adorno and Parsons .
12 It is intended to compare two schemes to identifycorresponding differences in typical experiences , problems and relations with and effects on the wider community .
13 ( 4 ) that there should be visible within each school key individuals who are likely to be reliable and innovative leaders for the project and who show some affinity with and understanding of the aims and the principles behind the project ( e.g. an enlightened head , a vigorous teacher-librarian , or a sympathetic head of English )
14 Sawallisch 's identification with and commitment to the music of Orff is evident from the opening bars .
15 During the coming year the Student Members of Council and the Student Liaison Officer will be working to promote involvement with and membership of the Institute by a number of methods including visiting schools of architecture throughout the country and maintaining contact with student representatives .
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