Example sentences of "with a [noun sg] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 End with a summing up by the Chair and a time of prayer .
2 I could do with a clock up in our bedroom .
3 Suitable for use both indoors and out , with a range up to 50m , the new Courier chime enables the presence of visitors at the front door to be signalled clearly to homeowners no matter where they are located , whether in the house or garden .
4 Obviously for us walkers weight is all important so a good compromise is a telephoto lens with a range up to 300mm — the Sigma 75mm–300mm lens for example weighs an easily manageable 22.6oz .
5 But in business these days , with a loosening up of rigid authoritarian organisation and a ‘ flattening out ’ of structure , it 's much more difficult .
6 Computed tomography revealed multiple intraperitoneal tumours with a diameter up to 10 cm .
7 They could see a man with a ladder up against the cinema putting up the new poster , and the small round figure of Peggy Pine coming out of her dress shop to stand and look admiringly at her window display .
8 And there 's a good one with a dog up on a horse , just keep , just keeping the seat warm it 's got .
9 And a foul by Whitlow on Rozario and pain written all over Robert Rozario 's face and we saw that the last time we had a Nottingham Forest live game when he collided with a post up at Bolton Wanderers and had to go off with a rib and facial injuries .
10 First with a round up of the day 's local news though , here 's Robin Powell .
11 First with a round up of the day 's local news , here 's Paul Kirby .
12 First with a round up of the day 's local news , here 's Paul Kirby .
13 First , with a round up of the day 's local news , here 's Lucy Bonner .
14 First with a round up of the day 's local news , here 's Lucy Bonner .
15 With a round up of the day 's local news , here 's Paul Kirby .
16 Jerome Sale with a round up of this afternoon 's headlines .
17 with a lock up in store
18 If you are buying your second or even third home , we will still offer you improved terms with an advance up to 95% of the purchase price or valuation of the property concerned , whichever is the lower .
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