Example sentences of "with [Wh pn] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Each student is allocated a studies adviser with whom they meet regularly to discuss academic or other problems .
2 Each student is allocated a studies adviser with whom they meet regularly to discuss academic or other problems .
3 Apart from the bilingual element , most service providers will have an increasing number of clients with whom they do not share a language and culture and will have to develop the communicative skills to accommodate this .
4 These skills will also lead nurses into better communications with their multidisciplinary colleagues with whom they work closely or those who may visit the clinical setting in the course of their work , such as technical staff .
5 All of us have our underworld and nether world creatures with whom we carry on some inner conversation .
6 Chair , erm , every year we try and hold er , an event or something of interest to the local business community , to local industries , and we have contacts with local freight-forwarders , banks and companies that have exported , embassies , and we 're proposing that we erm , hold the event this year on the subject of exporting and how to do it , because we 've had very many small companies that might be clueless and want to know erm , exact nuts and bolts of it , so if we could run an event on that basis , and then use that event as the core of a group to take across in this case , Ireland , but perhaps in the future , Holland , who knows where else , to actually sell , using the services of erm , the Embassy in Dublin , our Embassy and the Chamber , with whom we have very good links , then it would be to the benefit of our businesses .
7 On the set , Dustin cast himself as the sensible person , whereas Mia was busy ‘ talking to the spirit of Mozart ’ , perhaps under the influence of André Previn ( still married to Dory Previn ) , the conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra , with whom she had recently fallen in love .
8 Severed from the only person with whom she had ever shared a meaningful degree of closeness , she lapsed into a state of almost trance-like disconnection , all energy gone .
9 She had not slept with Ivan , nor ever would , but was deriving a secret satisfaction from the knowledge that present at her party that night would be all the men with whom she had ever slept : or all save one , and he had been from another country , and she had not known his name .
10 She proposes to recruit a famous cricket fan Prime Minister John Major , with whom she dined only last week to the fight .
11 Her decision was reinforced when she heard that the Queen Mother , with whom she has also clashed , was also going to attend the wedding .
12 Nevertheless , this is a point on which her novels defy easy assimilation to those of Iris Murdoch or Angus Wilson , with whom she has also been compared .
13 By early 1989 the Prime Minister was at odds with several colleagues , not only Nigel Lawson with whom she quarrelled incessantly , but also with Sir Geoffrey Howe whose sympathy for European monetary union and generally benign approach to foreign affairs came increasingly to jar with her .
14 How could he have hit his brother , the only person in the world with whom he felt fully relaxed , happy , and at home ?
15 When he goes to London he makes friends with Wemmick , Jaggers 's clerk , and also with Herbert Pocket with whom he becomes very close to .
16 In particular he found opportunity to complain about Childebert 's policies towards the Visigoths , with whom he cultivated more cordial relations than his uncle felt was proper .
17 This is often much more damaging to the self-esteem of the farm worker than the arrival in the village of alien newcomers with whom he does not identify .
18 He looked around very carefully and finally met a young lady with whom he fell head-long in love .
19 The vice-president , Salvador Laurel , would love to take over from Mrs Aquino , with whom he fell out soon after taking office .
20 He was the son of a rich merchant , with whom he fell out , however , because of his preoccupation with and his lack of interest in his father 's profession .
21 Mansell refused to be reconciled with Prost , with whom he fell out when the two were team-mates at Ferrari in 1991 , and promptly signed the US deal despite taking an estimated cut of half his salary .
22 At Lehmann 's Minton met Christopher Isherwood with whom he got on well .
23 Frederick the Great of Prussia and Benjamin Franklin , with whom he corresponded over several years , were equally discouraging ; Franklin remarked that the colonies were not yet ready for Burdett .
24 The latter also diverged from the Prime Minister , with whom he had latterly differed over Westland , Libya , and other issues .
25 Not even hard blows a man could take with dignity , only the manner of measured punishment he might have dealt out to a misbehaving child with whom he had not lost patience .
26 He could have given in to his sympathetic side at any point but he was adamant that Charman had to go , even though he knew the hurt it would cause to someone with whom he had previously been close .
27 The Statutes of Westminster apparently extended the law of rape to cover all women , not merely virgins , but there is nothing in them to suggest that a man could be liable for rape of a woman with whom he had previously had consensual sexual intercourse .
28 What Peano and then the German mathematicians with whom he had previously not been acquainted did for him , was to suggest an astonishing idea .
29 She was a woman he had known for several years now ; one with whom he had never slept ; one who half repelled , and ever half attracted him .
30 Picabia was drawn into the circle , probably by Apollinaire with whom he had recently become friendly .
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