Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun pl] is [that] " in BNC.

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1 The chief weakness of the House of Commons is in matters of taxation ; the way in which it has not been able to keep pace with administrative developments is that it has no method of collecting information ( other than the briefing from outside pressure groups already mentioned ) on the social and other side-effects of a tax or of examining possible future departures in taxation policy .
2 ‘ The fundamental problem with state-owned industries is that they are rationed of capital .
3 One of the problems with economic cycles is that they create surpluses and slacks in demand which affect the stability of the work force .
4 One of the problems with social services is that , unlike material goods , they are generally intangible .
5 The trouble with Labour-supporting celebrities is that very largely they want to pronounce .
6 That 's the thing that so easy with electric cookers is that you just have to buy the element .
7 Or ‘ The trouble with self-made men is that they worship their creator . ’
8 The major disadvantage with audio recorders is that a great deal of contextual information is not recorded and therefore , unless some other method of recording the context , such as note-taking , is employed , it may not be possible to recover a ‘ rich interpretation ’ of the child 's language .
9 The problem with Select Committees is that they are sometimes compelled to take a narrow view , rather than the broader view that is reflected by the report .
10 My experience of practitioners trained overseas and with small lists is that most are good doctors committed to caring for their patients to the best of their ability .
11 The trouble with QUILLed games is that because they only recognise two-word inputs there 's a danger a problem could be solved by accident .
12 For years we in this country have been accustomed to say ‘ American education is superficial ’ or ‘ the trouble with American students is that they have no idea of scholarship ’ .
13 ‘ The trouble with modern textiles is that they use synthetic dyes and the colours do n't look right in an old setting , ’ Patsy says .
14 One of the drawbacks with other wools is that they will not ‘ spring ’ back into shape after a nights sleep .
15 ‘ I think the problem with new guitars is that they have n't lived , ’ ponders Alex suddenly .
16 The point of new methods with new messages is that they convey the sense of a new order ( or at least the decline of the old one ) .
17 Anti-lesbianism controls all women 's lives and the result in youth work with young women is that lesbians and young lesbians are presented as the unreasonable and unacceptable face of the work .
18 The problem with using small group work with young children is that it 's inevitably rather disparate : they will happily play for long periods , but find it difficult to share each other 's work unless there is a powerful dramatic context , as is provided by whole group work , which gives us the chance to really focus the drama .
19 ‘ The thing you often see with young men is that they have had very little experience in dealing with people .
20 The problem with alienistic attitudes is that if they are allowed to become the foundation of the system — the part of the system that everything else hinges upon — they are hard to shift .
21 The problem with voluntary agencies is that their number and strength is inversely related to need .
22 The main benefit from working with voluntary organisations is that they will help us into areas of work in the community which we would n't otherwise have an entry to .
23 One of the main problems with solar panels is that they are wired in series .
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