Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] time [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases , following the advice , particularly with regard to sleep , will initially be against the ‘ natural ’ dictates of the body clock , but , as we have explained , obeying the body clock in this case will only prolong the difficulties in living with the new time zone .
2 Although no independent assessment of quality of life was performed in these patients , from the objective assessment of exercise capacity and left ventricular function in each case combined with the full time employment of most of the long term surviving patients , the patients ' answers to a simple telephone questionnaire were probably accurate and did not reflect any inappropriate bias .
3 Although the taking of professional advice is a material circumstance , the substantial cause of the failure to comply with the statutory time limit is one of the matters for investigation .
4 It will no doubt investigate what was the substantial cause of the employee 's failure to comply with the statutory time limit ; whether he had been physically prevented from complying with the limitation period , for instance by illness or a postal strike , or something similar .
5 In any event it will probably be relevant in most cases for the Industrial Tribunal to ask itself whether there has been any substantial fault on the part of the employee or his adviser which has led to the failure to comply with the statutory time limit
6 If the chosen third party is an expert , the court can not interfere with the contractual time limit .
7 On the other hand , if we assume that there is imperfect information , in the sense that suppliers and demanders know the current price for the good on their island but only get to know the price in other markets with a one-period time lag , the relationship between aggregate supply and the general level of prices becomes much more subtle .
8 Hofstede 's recent book proposes that the Far East Manager is much more concerned with a long time horizon for the team than is the European or American manager .
9 The product is also claimed to have enhanced diagnostic capabilities to manage enterprise-wide networks as well as an Integrated Boot Device , which uses Flash memory , a floppy drive for loading software upgrades and for data collection , and SNMP time-stamped event logging with a real time clock .
10 Obviously , the countries A and B must have similar social , economic and cultural climates , but with a sufficient time lag in demand to enable predictions to be made .
11 2 For eight movements with a single time signature ( nos. 1 , 2 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 [ first version ] , 13 ) the tempo may be immediately established unambiguously .
12 The document also explains ’ why the youngster with a full time job living at home will once again pay nothing towards local Government services .
13 The group is run by its members with a full time executive officer drawing on the resources of a total 1,150 staff stretching from Exeter to Edinburgh .
14 This seems to work both in short-term fluctuations and in long-term trends ( Habakkuk 1971 ) , although with an awkward time lag in the latter ( Wrigley and Schofield 1981 ) .
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