Example sentences of "with [art] [noun sg] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 This may well be the most radical break with the way even the most highly computerized businesses are still being run today .
2 That was the one that was on television with the water right the way
3 And in the same way he sprinkled with the blood both the tent and all the vessels used in worship .
4 If this ditch is contemporary with the rampart then the gap for the gate between the rampart ends must have been much narrower than that left between the ditch ends .
5 And er and with the wind sometimes the ball 's al that ball 's always running away from you and the way goalkeepers play now they tend to come out very quickly and more times than enough they get there first .
6 If the Spanish government comes to an agreement with the family basically the trust to cover the fee of the paintings , then they stay .
7 On the other hand erm if you 're looking at , obviously sometimes our members felt that there was a benefit , at least the employer was n't getting , was n't getting off the hook as far as the matter was concerned , the matter arising was concerned , and therefore he was left with a problem just the same as we were .
8 Because if we continue with the housing stock that we 've got , then families living in high rise flats are never ever gon na have the opportunity to own their own house with a garden so the children can play .
9 After fornication with a woman then the one who would join would show his love of the Unholy by taking a child and killing it .
10 But with an army twice the size of the one awaiting him .
11 And what 's more , if she 'd been about in your time , instead of that man , nice little Neville Chamberlain , she 'd have given your old Hitler a few right-handers below the belt ; and seen to it that Britain was armed to the teeth , with an airforce twice the size of the Luftwaffe instead of a few old men with pitch forks and a handful of plucky chaps like yourself to keep the Nazis out .
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