Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Fix the end cap with the round pin over the cut end .
2 Sir Patrick was also closely involved in differences between London and Dublin over extradition and clashed with the Irish government over the validity of warrants in several cases and notably over the Irish refusal in 1989 to hand over Mr Patrick Ryan , who is wanted in Britain for alleged involvement with IRA bombings .
3 Telecom Eireann is seeking more than £200m from European Community structural funds to re-build its telecommunications network : it is also ensconced in discussions with the Irish government over tariff re-balancing ; the state phone company 's financial difficulties have been exacerbated by the 10% currency devaluation which has added £50m to its debts of some £1,000m ; and is likely to halve and worse its profits this year to some £40m .
4 Price and Hall then worked their double act for Tynemouth again and opened their account with the latter chipping over onrushing goalkeeper Lee .
5 In 1938 there seem to have been tentative discussions with the Colonial Office over a sell-out to the British government .
6 The person with the greatest influence over these is the priest or presiding minister .
7 THE United States yesterday cancelled talks set for Monday with the European Community over a public procurement dispute and said sanctions were now hard to avoid .
8 The rest of the conference was humming with the anticipated controversy over sado-masochism , and with the anger of women with disabilities over non-accessibility to the venue and to the discussion papers .
9 The combined responsibility , and the very large increases that occurred in both civil and criminal work , co-inciding with the Treasury 's insistence that expenditure from public funds be kept in bounds , led to acrimonious and repeated clashes with the legal profession over fees and rates of remuneration .
10 The main church behind is small and high , with the largest dome over it .
11 Population pressure , along with vagaries of climate and terrain , and geographical location , have strongly influenced Japan 's relations with the outside world over the last 150 years and have played a crucial part in shaping Japan 's evolution for much longer .
12 The spectre of the homosexual as Bogeyman too ( just like in the 1950s ) returns with the moral panic over the disease AIDS and the sensational press coverage of the Cyprus ‘ Spy ’ trial .
13 Nevertheless the ILP representatives on the Unity Campaign Committee were constantly in friction with the Communist Party over the tendency to encourage non-Socialists to join the Campaign .
14 Do you think there 's a danger that the West could undermine Gorbachev 's position particularly with the delicate situation over Lithuania , if it 's not prepared to support moves to try and get tension reduced between the two blocks ?
15 But it was not only officers and members of the WEA and the District who were pleased with the final agreement over the rural areas scheme and the conclusion of negotiations of byzantine complexity extending over a period of four difficult years .
16 However , with the current uncertainty over COSE 's plans and all the systems management and other options being considered by various open systems bodies , it is ‘ no time to bow out now , ’ says Moss so Tivoli will continue to develop the framework alongside systems for now .
17 The new strategy linked environmental concerns with the current controversy over the health service by claiming that 14 million people in the UK suffered ill effects from air pollution last year .
18 Howe resigned in protest at his ‘ growing difference ’ with the Prime Minister over ‘ the increasingly important issue of Britain 's role in Europe ’ .
19 The more common form shows the hands in an attitude of prayer , centre-chest height , with the fingertips touching and , occasionally , the thumbs crossed ; the second position involves the crossing of the arms with fingertips at centre chest , the right arm being placed over the left and the fingers of both hands remaining closed but outstretched ; finally , there is the attitude of total repose , legs slightly parted at the knees , the shoulders down and the hands placed over the groin , again with the right hand over the left and the fingers together yet unclasped .
20 The PDVSA had also reached agreements to explore new oilfields in Honduras and in Guatemala , and was in discussion with the Peruvian government over involvement in attempting to reverse the decline of Peru 's oil industry .
21 THE FOREIGN OFFICE is being asked to intervene with the Kenyan government over the death of a British teacher , killed while on his honeymoon when an army ambulance mounted a pavement in Nairobi .
22 Even if one could have slept , with the incessant lurching over the mired ruts that the storm had left behind , she was not tired .
23 Belfast city council remains in Unionist control with the 27–24 majority over the SDLP , Alliance and Sinn Fein members .
24 An attempt to determine the relationship was described in Chapter 4 , and it was found that the A-measure varies roughly linearly with the radiometer reading over a wide range of exposures .
25 The FPR called for the overthrow of the regime and the return of all Rwandan refugees ( mostly Tutsi who had been forced to flee to neighbouring countries after ethnic clashes with the dominant Hutu over the previous 30 years ) .
26 With the ever-rumbling debate over the restitution of cultural property in this case the Elgin Marbles in particular Ian Jenkins ( Curator in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities ) makes a convincing argument for the important ‘ afterlife ’ of antiquities in museums .
27 On the other runs the final path length was slightly higher , with the maximum value over all runs of 7392 , and with errors in the probe orders being confined to the centromeres of one or both of chromosomes I and II ( e.g. , one half of chromosome 2 would be joined to chromosome III ) .
28 The passage beginning ‘ Du ärmste kannst wohl nie ermessen ’ in her Act 2 colloquy with the seemingly obsequious Ortrud is sung freely , as Wagner suggests , and with the utmost care over shaping each phrase .
29 This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature .
30 As with the skip technique , we can allow instructions other than tests and comparisons to set the condition code , with the added advantage over skipping that the setting of the condition code can be ignored where necessary .
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