Example sentences of "with [noun sg] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 From these results the change in the nuclear charge radius with isotope can be obtained ( Figure 3 ) .
2 58% of subjects believed that people with TB should be quarantined , and 63% perceived TB as a severe social stigma , endorsing the item ‘ if you have TB no-one wants to be around you , even people you thought were your friends ’ .
3 He says that badgers which are found to be infected with TB must be destroyed .
4 At Monday 's special tourist board meeting in Dunoon , the chairman of the Dunoon and Cowal Tourist Board , Douglas Campbell , took advice from the board 's solicitor that proxy voting over plans to link with Bute should be allowed .
5 A medium of coarse sand or gravel with loam should be used .
6 Van Mook was rebuked : the Dutch ambassador in London advised that any Dutchman who negotiated with Sukarno would be tried for treason .
7 Some of the chimpanzees could be transferred to zoos , but the chimpanzees infected with AIDS must be cared for in special facilities until their deaths .
8 A person charged with theft may be convicted of s.12 , but not of s.11 .
9 The existing difficulties in this respect are considerably reduced by the provision in [ the Larceny Act 1916 , ] section 44(3) that a person charged with larceny may be convicted of obtaining by false pretences and the provision in section 44(4) that a person charged with obtaining by false pretences may be convicted of this offence even if the evidence proves larceny .
10 The variation of pull.out torque with speed can be approximated by the straight lines shown dotted in Fig. 6.8 , i.e. TV ) is approximated by the functions : The step length is 15 degrees = 0.262 radians = 2n/np .
11 A mixture of loam or clay with gravel should be provided .
12 On the probabilistic view , all of the conditional statements which we accept in connection with causation must be rewritten into conditionals such that the events mentioned in their consequents are events of a certain probability .
13 The following further difficulties associated with incorporation can be identified .
14 It is well known that filling of the gland with acinar should be avoided .
15 Concepts of honour and shame associated with manliness can be found in many of the cultures of southern Europe but , while this behaviour pattern seems to have declined in Spain , it has flourished in Latin America .
16 But he then goes on to remark that a further cause of inadequate response is the reader 's unfamiliarity with poetry : ‘ A lack of experience with poetry must be placed next to general inexperience of life in this list of deficiencies . ’
17 In the case of valuable animals , treatment with oxygen may be merited .
18 At the time of Anna 's murder , the law stated that men charged with rape could be put into bail hostels , provided they were n't suffering from ’ severe abnormality or psychopatic disorder . ’
19 Although it is easy to appreciate that the polymer must be sufficiently wettable to sustain a coherent layer of tear fluid , it might be thought that all problems associated with wettability would be overcome by the presence of water in the material .
20 Problems with equipment should be reported to the Information Systems Help Desk on extension 4747 .
21 A file opened with OPENUP may be extended by setting its pointer to its end ( PTR#fnum=EXT#fnum ) and then writing to it .
22 A file opened with OPENUP may be extended by setting PTR# to its end ( PTR# = EXT# ) , and then writing the new data to it .
23 A slowing of the heart with relaxation might be monitored by an electrocardiograph ( ECG ) , and a reduction in sweat gland activity monitored using apparatus measuring skin conductance levels ( SCL ) .
24 And yet serious degeneration of nerves in young children with ABL can be halted by massive doses of the vitamin .
25 The molar mass of a liquid which is immiscible with water can be calculated from steam distillation data .
26 According to the ‘ polluter pays ’ principle , the costs of dealing with pollution should be borne by the people who create it .
27 The ideal screening system , such as might be used in antenatal clinics should utilize one of each sort of test so that a combination of sensitivity with selectivity can be obtained .
28 In patients with longstanding ulcerative colitis , any tendency for the anal sphincter to weaken with age may be counterbalanced by the effect of work hypertrophy on the anal sphincter .
29 If the memory of the association of a given flavour with illness can be taken to be more important than the memory that the flavour has also been experienced without harmful consequences , then the latter memory would interfere after a short but not after a long retention interval .
30 It has been suggested , for instance , that language-impaired children 's problems with syntax may be related to imperfect acquisition of verb argument structures .
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