Example sentences of "with [noun sg] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This mix of weaknesses , usefulness and potential therefore supplied the British with bargaining power even in the late 1940s , however vulnerable they might appear and despite American dislike of many of their policies and attitudes .
2 we used to have , I used to make big pan of broth you could get gorgeous bacon bones with plenty bacon on in the Co-op in those days , it were wi it was when they , they did all the boning in the shops and you could go , get good meaty bones and I used
3 Course they got away with income tax out of that because they were n't , they were n't much erm to do with income tax that time , I mean my tax at that time of the year was about , at that time was about four pound a year when I was erm , when I was working and you only paid income tax once a year .
4 Studies of men in their 60s whose birth records were still available showed that low birth weight and low weight at 12 months were associated with glucose intolerance later in life .
5 His shaggy , walrus moustache was deeper coloured , streaky , with irony grey still in it and it was brown and sodden where it dipped into his own , special , pint-size mug which had the word ‘ Father ’ executed on it in rosebuds .
6 Because we want to take as many voluntary redundancies and early retirements as possible , and with employee turnover still at a relatively high six per cent per year , we can not say at present just where and when the jobs will go .
7 Despite this , dietary intake of diary products was less in patients with lactose malabsorption then in the remainder of the group ( 213 g ( 0–4940 ) v 2354 g ( 320–8190 ) p<0.05 ) .
8 The scheme frequently ties in with work experience either at a dealership or at Rover .
9 However , emboli can also be detected in arteries , including the intracranial arteries , with doppler ultrasound alone without B-mode imaging , when they appear as short-duration high-intensity signals in the doppler spectrum ( figure ) .
10 According to TNT station manager Rhys Roberts , the number of outbound consignments in the latter half of 1992 were up to 70 per cent on the same months in 1991 , with inbound traffic up by 30 per cent .
11 However , in its reply in Commission of the European Communities v. United Kingdom ( Case C 246/89 ) , which was lodged after the judgments were delivered , the Commission discussed the compatibility of the nationality requirements with Community law also in the light of those judgments , that is to say in relation to the aims of the quota system .
12 There were people bringing baking before going to work ; people carrying in the food given by our friends in City Centre businesses ; and ladies from St. Mary 's R.C. Cathedral arriving for duty in the Undercroft ; so many other helpers too , reminding me of Nan Munn 's immortal lines , ‘ each to their stations/We 're ready for the off/Where is John Gibson/Where 's my tin box ’ ; people handing in contributions ; Miss Cameron 's chauffeur , with dog collar instead of peaked cap , delivering her , before his car took up its privileged position for the Week in the Standard Life car park ; and last , and most important , the good friends in the community who came to support us .
13 The lesson here is simple : do n't flirt with trouble Aim away from the hazard and let your natural shape of shot leave you with a shot from the fairway .
14 These were specially designed and manufactured by the firm of Waygood Otis Ltd , a company still involved with lift mechanism all over the world today .
15 It could just as well have been the 20th birthday of the Eden Gardens tea urn , and as far as the Indian government is concerned , there is nothing like an international cricket tournament for persuading the electorate that , with polling day just around the corner , Rajiv is the boy to vote for .
16 He won the Gold Cup with Charter Party back in 88 … that was a dream …
17 The bar is a scattering of upturned beer crates around a fridge with music pounding out of an oil drum .
18 The mahout , as he gives a command , reinforces the order with leg pressure just as if riding a horse .
19 It is designed for workgroups requiring fast performance and large amounts of on-line data , and attaches up to eight Ethernet local area networks with storage capacity up to 8Gb to 144Gb .
20 Shift work could clash with farm work especially with attendance at sales .
21 Picasso himself , on the other hand , said that he became familiar with negro art only after having painted the Demoiselles , and that his introduction to it took place in the Trocadero .
22 With peasant income actually in decline during the seventeenth century , the domestic market grew painfully slowly .
23 They washed and dried in silence , and then the twins appeared with lemon cake all over them .
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