Example sentences of "with [noun sg] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For a moment Lambert want rigid with horror as it looked as if the fire would fall on top of them ; but they drifted clear .
2 ‘ That is the way forward , ’ remarked the Colonel with enthusiasm as they left the Pavilion .
3 She paused , her beautiful eyes alight with enthusiasm as she leaned forward .
4 The Girls regarded this one with loathing as it shows them with heads and legs all at different angles .
5 The trouble with ANDF as he sees it is it recreates a problem of the past by adding an enormous level of inefficiency in its intermediate compiler layer .
6 Wilson , his enemies suggested , had been as reckless with money as he had been in organising strikes which brought no advantage to his members .
7 I note how their shoulders go stiff with tension as they pick out neckties .
8 She sat down at the desk , pulling a sheaf of notes towards her , her whole body trembling with tension as she felt Luke Calder watching her .
9 ‘ You 're so lovely … for years I 've dreamed of you lying beside me like this ! ’ he breathed thickly , his powerful body shaking with tension as he tried to control his mounting passion .
10 Blanche expected him to mutter with disbelief as she had when she had digested the story .
11 His chest is suddenly stained with blood as something pulses frantically beneath his thin shirt .
12 The great lip-smacking moon flailed their flanks with silver as they tumbled in ecstasy .
13 Austrian hat manufacturers wept with emotion as they offered untold wealth for a single specimen .
14 There he stood before the official inquiry in his crisp , bemedalled marine uniform , his voice breaking with emotion as he lectured the assembled politicians on what was in the nation 's interests as if he himself had just invented patriotism .
15 Colin Parry 's voice frequently choked with emotion as he addressed more than 400 mourners packed into St Mary 's Church , Great Sankey , near Warrington , Cheshire , for football-mad Tim 's funeral service .
16 WARRINGTON General Hospital consultant Barry Taylor shook with emotion as he described the savage injuries of the bomb wounded .
17 Mr Taylor , of Grantham , said Liam had gradually improved , and his voice choked with emotion as he described how the next afternoon his son had opened his eyes and reached for his teddy bear .
18 The Andokides Painter surely ‘ thought ’ in black-figure ; Epiktetos thinks in red-figure ; and one of the differences is a renewed concern with drawing as we understand it , something hardly possible in black-figure .
19 We crowed with pleasure as we rushed up the remaining feet to the top and , in the last dregs of daylight , hastened back across the lonely moor to the car , Mullion , and a well earned pint .
20 His green eyes gleamed with pleasure as they started towards her .
21 She twinkled with pleasure as I wove a windmill-tilting , dragon-vanquishing saga of my quest for the frothy and elusive grail .
22 He moaned slightly with pleasure as she kissed him again .
23 Damian said unsteadily , and bent his head to kiss her mouth with slow , sensual desire , and that was how they made love , their bodies moving as slowly but surely towards that ecstasy as that initial kiss did , until Rachel , this time , was breathless and incoherent , delirious with pleasure as she reached climax through his strokes and expertise and unbelievably exciting lovemaking .
24 Her throat closed with pleasure as she looked out .
25 He beamed with pleasure as she walked in .
26 Rune 's eyes gleamed with pleasure as she detected an added warmth in the timbre of his voice .
27 She sighed when she set it back in its saucer — and sighed again with pleasure as she bent over her poached egg .
28 He had at last accepted her as a friend and began whining and wriggling with pleasure as she approached .
29 But it was n't until she was almost driven out of her mind , delirious and sobbing with pleasure as she moaned his name , writhing helplessly beneath his intimate touch , that he moved to cover her body with his own .
30 Lindsey 's eyes danced with pleasure as she emerged finally , clutching a bag of the large tubers which were sold to tourists .
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